11% of the people in the world are left-handed
No word in the English language rhymes with month
The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed
Of all the words in the English language, the word 'set' has the most definitions
"Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order
Huh... those are really interesting. I never knew any of those.
Ooh I like these kind of facts, though I'm kind of surprised the percentage of left handed people is so low!
The left handed bit interested me, I was born that way and as I'm so old, I come from a time when I was forced use my left hand. Now I'm hopelessly lost. :-)
I love stuff like this. Thanks!
ok, Cliff Clavin. LOL! I love this kinda stuff too. Also, did you know the longest word you can type using only the first row of letters on a keyboard is TYPEWRITER. Yep, I'm a Cliff Clavin myself. :)
There is also no English word to rhyme with 'orange' or 'silver.' Thanks for these facts..:)
hey L'aussie I think cleaver rhymes with silver am stll thinking the rest up. the percentage for us ambidextrous types might be lower then.
thanx for the info by brain is churning now
Interesting facts!
Ha! Love em. Neat facts~
teehee--love little word nerd facts...
Love these. Must file away for stimulating conversation later.
I didn't know any of those before . . . I love it!
Cool :-)
What do you know. Very interesting
These were so interesing!
I guess I won't use "month" in my next rhyming poem.
Now those were some fun facts!
Thanks heaps for your comments guys. I might do this type of post here and there for everyone's enjoyment :)
Totally random, but along the same line: Facetiously is the only word to use all the vowels- including y- in alphabetical order.
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