Cherry On Top Award
Thanks to:
Tessa Quin (The Quest for a Literary Agent and BookAways)
Ishta Mercurio (Musings of a Restless Mind)
Clarissa Draper (Listen to the Voices)
One Lovely Blog Award
Thanks to:
Tessa Quin (The Quest for a Literary Agent and BookAways)
Project Freya (Project Freya)
Quinn (Seeing, Dreaming…Writing)
Erica and Christy (Erica and Christy)
Melissa Gill (Melissa Getting Published)
Catherine Johnson (Kangaroobee’s Blog)
Jessica Stanford (Girl, Unpublished)
Miles McG (An Author's Quest)
Jessica Byam (Jest Kept Secret)
Madeline Bartos (Capricious Existence)
Ciara Knight (Writing to the Edge of Darkness)
Antimony (Thoughts, Musings and Broken Promises)
Elizabeth Varadan (Elizabeth Varadan's Fourth Wish)
S.L. Hennessy (Pensuasion)
The Versatile Blogger Award
Thanks to:
Tessa Quin (The Quest for a Literary Agent and BookAways)
Miles McG (An Author's Quest)
Quinn (Seeing, Dreaming...Writing)
Kangaroobee (Kangaroobee's Blog)
The Blogger Formerly Known As The Enigmatic Masked Blogger
Michael Di Gesu (In Time)
K.V. Prior (To Think In Ink)
C.R. Ward (Random Writings)
Lesann Berry (Lesann Berry)
Happy 101 Award
Thanks to:
Quinn (Seeing, Dreaming…Writing)
Rachel Morgan (Rachel Morgan Writes)
Erica and Christy (Erica and Christy)
Beautiful Blogger Award
Thanks to:
J.C. Martin (J.C. Martin, Fighter Writer)
Go Away I'm Writing Coffee Mug
Thanks to:
The Golden Eagle (The Eagle's Aerial Perspective)
L'Aussie's Fair Dinkum Award
Thanks to:
L'Aussie (L'Aussie Writing)
Christmas Blog Award
Thanks to:
Rachel Morgan (Rachel Morgan Writes)
Stylish Blogger Award
Thanks to:
The Graceful Doe (The Graceful Doe's Blog)
Catherine Ensley (Words Worlds and Wings)
Abby Minard (Above Water)
T.K. Richardson (A Literary Pursuit)
Linda Gray, Heather McCorkle, Karlene Petitt (Critique Sisters Corner)
Shelley F. Batt (Shelley F. Batt, Voices of a Writer)
VB Tremper (VB Tremper)
Cally Jackson (Cally Jackson)
Madeline Bartos (Capricious Existence)
Natasha Hanover (Writes By Moonlight)
The Versatile Blogger Award
Thanks to:
Abby Minard (Above Water)
Write Hard Award
Thanks to:
J.C. Martin (J.C. Martin, Fighter Writer)
Liza Kane (Redeeming The Time)
The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award
Thanks to:
Kerri Cuev (Craft Junkie)
Rebecca Enzor (Sticky Note Stories)
Memetastic Award
Thanks to:
The Blogger Formerly Known As The Enigmatic Masked Blogger
Citrusy Blogger Award
Thanks to:
Amanda Milner (Amanda's Twisted Truths)
Best Books Blog Award
Thanks to:
Deirdra Eden-Coppel (A Storybook World)
The "Your Blog Doesn't Suck" Award
Thanks to:
Michael Offut (SLC Kismet)
Creative Blog Award
Thanks to:
Deirdra Eden Coppel (A Storybook World)
Madeleine Maddocks (Scribble and Edit)
Powerful Woman Writer Award
Thanks to:
Madeleine Maddocks (Scribble and Edit)
Electropositive Blog Award
Thanks to:
Madeleine Maddocks (Scribble and Edit)
Pot-O-Gold Award
Thanks to:
Christie Wright Wild (Write Wild)
Great Comments Award
Richard P. Hughes (Writing and Living by Richard P. Hughes)
Kreative Blogger Award
Thanks to:
Donna Martin (On The Write Track)