Yep, I've finally worked out how to upload a photo of yours truly onto my blog. It's only taken 6 months (and the breakthrough actually came when I discovered my broken phone was the problem, not my techno-incompetence), but all's good now.
I'm going to miss little Lain. But all good things must come to an end. I'll make the change on my avatar icons over the next few days (once I'm over the embarrassment of plastering a mug shot of me on a blog post!!!). (*grins*)
aaww hi, you are pretty its nice to finally put a face to the name. I feel like I should introduce myself again.
And you're so cute! I called you a doll before and it turns out I was right- you're a sweetie inside and out.
This is just preparation for your book jacket photo, right?
When I changed my avatar from Xena to me, I about had a heart attack. It was so hard!! But good job, and you even look a little like your avatar!
Yeay! Hi!
Hi! It's nice to meet ya! (says the shy girl with a dog for an avatar).
Awesome! Lain was always a good choice for an avatar, but your own self is better!
Lol, yay for photos!
I think you're beautiful. I would go with you. I haven't had the courage to show my face in blogging public yet.
There's hardly any difference between the real you and Lain ;) It's as if you did one of those "cartoon yourself" on the internet. Both adorable ^.^
YAY! How nice to see the real you! And what a lovely you, indeed. :)
Gasp, you mean you're a real person? :D
I feel like I'm meeting you for the first time, so lovely to see your face. I was embarrassed about putting mine up, but used to it now. You look lovely, I wish we could all meet up sometime, what a shame we live so far away.
Great to see the real you. I'll miss the avatar, but you're better.
Love your pic! *smiles* And interestingly enough, your avatar looks just like you.
Hi Rachel *waves*. Very lovel pic. You might have just inspired me to change to a pic where I'm looking at the camera...maybe.
Hi Rach! Hmm, do your hair like the anime avatar and give the camera that sideways look and we might be none the wiser to your switch! ;-)Ok, you are giving me motivation to do the same, gulp, maybe...
Lol - this post reminded me of the many hours it took me to teach myself how to upload pics. Well done!
It's so nice to be able to see the real you, Rach! You look great.
I love your glasses frames! (Wait, is that creepy? I just finished picking out my latest pair so I'm a bit focused on that. It's tricky stuff!)
Lovely photo - nice to *meet* you!
well hello to you too
@Joanna, *waves*, nice t'meetchya. Thanks :)
@DJ, Aw, *blushes*. Thanks so much! Yep, for when I'm rich and famous (*chortles*).
@KarenG, how cool would Zena be as an avatar! It has been a little hard, but worth it I think. Tee hee, one day I'll tell you the story about how I chose Lain ;)
@Colene, (*waves*)
@Kari, hi back to you! One day maybe :)
Hey @Nevets, thanks so much :)
@Abby, Amen to that!
@Clarissa, thanks and hugs to you :) Look forward to your big reveal one day. Maybe.
@Tessa, tee hee. I did choose Lain cause she looks like me (*winks*). But you're right, she could be one of those cartoon jobbies!
@PK, thanks muchly :)
@Stina, (*chortles*). Yes. I. Am. (spoken in a very robot-like manner) ;)
@Kangaroobee, thanks so much :) It is a shame, I'd love to meet up with all my blogging friends :(
@Quinn, cheers :) Hmm, I wonder if I should have a play around with photo editor - see how I look with different colored hair perhaps (*grins*)
@Christopher, thanks. I know, an amazing coincidence! Perhaps ;)
@kar-took, ooh lovely!!! :)
@amilner78, LOL. Hmm, maybe I should have slipped it by you all ;) Come on Miss Angel Wings, your turn now!!!
@Ca88andra, LOL. All this time I thought I was doing something wrong!
@Nicole, thanks so much. Hugs :)
@Amie, LOL, not creepy at all. It's so hard isn't it! And they're so expensive!!!
@Karen, thanks so much. You as well :)
@Christopher, hiya :)
Lovely pic Rach. And well done on conquering the technology required for said operation to occur!
I think bright red hair might look good with your skin tone ;) Or blue ... blue looks good on everybody.
Big step, methinks. And one that is best taken with the proper deliberation. A lovely photo, indeed. Keep smiling.
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