Hasn't 2010 been a big year! I've learnt so much, completed my first draft of my current WIP and dived into revisions, met so many awesome peeps, and had such a fun time with my blogging and my first Crusade. I think it might be time for a little break (*nods*).
So, I'm going to close down my blogging for the rest of 2010, and I'll be back bright and chirpy on January 1 to see in the new year. My January 1st post will be pretty cool - I'll be interviewing Marieke and giving a little more information on our top secret project, which we'll reveal soon after. Can't tell you much at this stage, but it may or may not involve trilogies, contests, and fantabulous prizes galore!!! What a way to ring in the new year.
In the meantime, I'll be:
Having Christmas feasts (Source) |
Writing, well revising mostly! (Source) |
I haven't been a very good Crusader in recent weeks. I do hope I will improve in the new year.
Wishing you a very happy christmas and new year.
Have a fantastically happy Christmas, Rach. Here's to 2011
Happy Christmas and New Year, Rach!
Looking forward to the wonderful new surprised you'll have for all of us next year!
Merry Christmas, pigmy-puff!
Have a great (sounds like much-needed!) break, Rach! :]
Have a great holiday!
Merry Christmas to you too! I'm going to be closing up shop soon too. That way I'll be fresh and motivated in Jan.
Have a great Christmas and a fantastic New Year!
Same to you and all the best over the holidays!
Have a great Christmas! Looks like a lot of people are taking a break- much needed in this community!
Merry Christmas, Rach!
I hope you have really fabulous holidays Rachael! See you next year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :)
Enjoy your time off (and your continuing revisions). I'm sure there was a post by someone a while ago about writers never really taking holidays...but luckily we can at least take blog-breaks!
When you're back bright and chirpy you might wanna stop by and pick up your most recent award from my blog :-)
Happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Hope it's a fun and relaxing holiday season for you. :)
Hope you have a relaxing break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!
Have a happy new year.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and that 2011 holds all good things for you!
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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