I have The Replacement on my Christmas list... and if I don't get it, I'm definitely buying it. The cover sold me before I even knew what it was about!
Hey guys, thanks so much for your comments. I must say, Life As We Knew It was FANTASTIC - you have to read it if you haven't already. Am only a few chapters into The Replacement, but will let you know how it goes. Am enjoying it so far :)
That first cover just looks scary! I can guess what it's about, though, judging by the name. Well, only guess, it looks like a horror and fairies replacing human children with their own wouldn't ideally be horror...
I've heard The Replacements is good. It's somewhere on my TBR pile.
Such a good interview!! Your book sounds amazing! Both books you have there are ones I need to get. Hope they're good!
I really want to read THE REPLACEMENT. You'll have to let me know how it is. I've been hearing good things.
Heading over to read your interview now.
Nice interview! I have The Replacement on my TBR pile. Life as We Knew It is AWESOME. You'll love it.
I love Life As We Knew It--one of my favorite YA SF/Dystopian/Speculative.
Looks like some good books. I'll have to add them to my TBR list! Thanks for the interview. It was fun!
Heading over to read your interview- I have heard great things about those books!
Love that cover art for the replacement. Scary stuff...
Oooo, The Replacement looks awesome! Pretty please do a review after you're done, and let us know how it was :)
By the way, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog--I definitely enjoyed watching the action unfold on MSFV!
I have The Replacement on my Christmas list... and if I don't get it, I'm definitely buying it. The cover sold me before I even knew what it was about!
I haven't read either Rach, but it looks like they're both worthwhile!
I'd love to know what you think of THE REPLACEMENT. I've always liked the cover...
Ooh I've not read/heard of either of those are they YA? :O)
Hey guys, thanks so much for your comments. I must say, Life As We Knew It was FANTASTIC - you have to read it if you haven't already. Am only a few chapters into The Replacement, but will let you know how it goes. Am enjoying it so far :)
Both of those are on my must-read list. I'll get there eventually! :-)
Both those books look so good! Ok, I'm clicking away to read the interview.
Hey, Rach!
I replied to your comment on my blog as well, but also wanted to stop by your blog and say hello and thanks!
That first cover just looks scary! I can guess what it's about, though, judging by the name. Well, only guess, it looks like a horror and fairies replacing human children with their own wouldn't ideally be horror...
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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