I had a whole 'nother post scheduled today, but I happened to glance at my Dashboard and (*gasps*) this is my 100th post. So I've dropped everything and decided to get a little nostalgic instead.
I hope you'll forgive me.
Grab a slice of cake, relax, enjoy! |
Today I want to send a huge shout-out. A shout-out to you, all my followers and awesome peeps, who make me smile, brighten my day with comments, read (and, I hope, enjoy) my various posts, and peer at me from my sidebar all day long.
In a non-stalkerish way of course!
I still can't believe my blog has only been running for 6 months. It seems like yesterday that I wrote (probably quite badly) my first ever post, and then thought long and hard about whether I was even ready to blog in the first place. A few short weeks later came WriteOnCon, the first writing conference I'd ever attended, and an amazing eye-opener for me. I'd never realized that such an awesome writing community existed, and as I made friend after friend, met more and more of my fellow bloggers, and learned so much about writing and the opportunities available to us writers, I've grown ever more thankful that I'm a part of this fantastic community.
Glass of champagne anyone? |
I've discovered that I LOVE blogging, but even more than that I LOVE getting to know you guys. I can't wait for another 6 months, another year, another 5 years of fun times as I continue my journey toward publication, and follow you as you continue yours.
Cheers |
I think (*nods*) that 2011 will be a fantastic year for us all. And I can't wait to share it with you!
It's been a privilege sharing the journey Rach. :-) If I may propose a double toast, here's to the next hundred posts. And to 2011 being a great year!
*raises champagne flute*
Caaaake!!!! *om nom nom*
Here's to 2011!
Yay for 100! Nice work! *cheers from crowd*
I'm right behind you. ;)
Congratulations Rach!
When I started my blog (about four months ago), I had no idea there was this social side to it as well. A whole world I never knew existed. Glad I found out though.
Here’s to 2011 for all of us, and indeed, to your next 100 posts – cheers :)
The enigmatic, masked blogger aka Mask
Congrats on such a milestone! Glad I found you this past month!
Congratulations! :)
I'm definitely glad I found your blog.
Yeay!! Congratulations!!
Congrats on the big 1-0-0! Crazy how they add up isn't it?
Hi Rach- Congratulations on the 100th post! Really like your header art, truly lovely.
Hear hear! And I completely agree about 2011! :D
Yay, congrats! I'm the same as you- I had no idea this community existed, and it's so cool to get to know everyone who is in the same boat.
As they say, "You've come a long way baby!" :-)
Thanks for galvanizing so many others as well.
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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