The ebook will be sold for a small amount of money and all proceeds will be donated to Harry Moseley's cancer research fund. Help Harry Help Others is a fund-raising organization of eleven year old Harry who recently died of his inoperable brain tumor. When his friend Robert, who had a brain tumor too, became very ill, he set up his charity. So far, he’s raised nearly half a million British Pounds that he has donated to Cancer Research UK, to help them find a cure for brain tumors. This charity and its goals resonates strongly with me, as my father suffered (and still suffers) from a brain tumor and its effects. And it’s doing such a fantastic job helping so many in a similar position.
The ebook will be listed on Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes&Noble and we'd love you to purchase a copy. However, just so you know, there is no obligation to purchase it if your story/stories are included.
I think this is a really exciting opportunity for all of you to have your work captured for others to read, and I'd love to see you take Cat up on this! :)
Cat will be reading the comments in this post, so any questions ask away.

The ebook will be listed on Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes&Noble and we'd love you to purchase a copy. However, just so you know, there is no obligation to purchase it if your story/stories are included.
If you would like one or more of your stories to be entered (under your name of course!), please do the following as soon as possible:
- Decide which of your stories you would like published (one, two or three). Rank them in order of preference (eg, if Cat is only able to publish one or two of your stories, which would you prefer published most?)
- Email Cat at writecampaign[at]katharinagerlach[dot]com. Provide her with your author name, your blog name, the link to your blog/website, and one sentence (30 words max) about what you write or who you are (ie, a very short author bio). At the bottom of your email, copy and paste your three stories and clearly identify their titles and your preferred ranking for each (Rank 1, Rank 2, Rank 3)
Cat will be reading the comments in this post, so any questions ask away.
A great idea! Does it cover every campaign or only the last/third one?
This is a wonderful idea!
Is there a deadline for sending in our stories? (other than "as soon as possible" I mean)
Will the rules (prompts etc.) for the various stories be included in that book, too? I think it would be nice, and it would explain why we actually all used words like "wastopaneer" ;)
I agree, treelight, I was wondering that too. Otherwise, readers might not understand some of the words and repetitions...
The stories have to be from this campaign but can be of any of the three challenges.
There will be the rules/prompts for the challenges and I'll sort the stories by challenges.
Since I will publish the eBook by the end of the month (no time during NaNo, right?) I need the stories as soon after the Winners post as possible. Preferably before Thursday.
Sounds like a good idea to me. Especially when it's all going to charity.
This sounds like a fantastic idea and a great way to help a good charity.
That's a really cool idea!
This is a great idea Cat. I admire that you can get it published so quickly! Man, you must be an expert! I think it's a great idea and will be in contact.
Oooh. This is going to be great, and much easier than hopping between posts to catch up on all the stories.
Deniz already asked my question. Thanks for answering it, Cat!
Amazing idea for a great cause!
What a fantastic idea! Will go sign up with Cat now.
That is a fantastic idea! :)
Very cool idea indeed! I'd love to be in it!
This is such an awesome, altruistic idea! I did not sign up for the campaign (person reasons), but wish I could contribute.
My brother Robert died of an angioplastic astrocytoma (a giomablast) brain tumor in 1997. He was 46 years old. I am 10 1/2 months younger. We were both born in 1951.
My nephew has a brain tumor, had two brutal surgeries, and is doing pretty well. He is in our prayers.
Good luck on this venture.
What a fabulous idea!! Thanks for taking a lead on that, Cat (this from someone who managed to not participate in a single challenge. Total boo on me.)
Cat, what a FANTASTIC idea.
Rach, it's amazing how you challenges inspire so much creativity with positive and helpful results.
I would LOVE to submit my work for this worthy cause.
YOU ladies are terrific!
This is a great idea, thank you for thinking of it.
What a great idea, and what a great charity.
Great idea. CAT mentioned the winning stories being announced. I'm assuming you don't have to be a winner to submit a story.
Lovely idea!
@Patricia, everybody is welcome to submit their stories, winners or otherwise :)
Thanks for making it optional, so those of us who'd rather not have our stories published (despite it being for a good cause) don't have to.
Good luck with the project.
Great idea! I have entered the first 2 challenges, but am not registered as a campaigner - does that matter? Good luck with this :-)
I think this is a great idea! You should also list the e-book on RS Guthrie's Read A Book, Make A Difference, which lists authors who are donating all or part of their sales and proceeds to various charities. RABMAD[dot]com.
Wow, this sounds great! I would buy the book to help fund research.
Wonderful idea and for a good cause.
this is pretty cool! Great cause!
PS: does this count as being "published"? LOL
Hi! I think it's a wonderful idea but I do have a question. Will this have any impact on the flash fiction pieces if they were taken from an actual manuscript that's in progress & hopefully will be published as a novel in the future?
Do we have to worry about copyrights, etc. or anything else along those lines?
What an interesting opportunity! I think it's great! As long as no one plans to use them for anything else, it'll be okay to publish them for this. We should do this for all the challenges!
Great idea! Love to help! ; )
@Susie Medwell: I'll only delete it if weg et more than 1000 stories. ;-)
@Written Words: Thanks fort he Tipp. I'll keep it in mind.
@Ladyjay: I'd think so – if only by a small Indie publisher (me)
@Alynza Smith: I don't think it will affect your copyright. After all, I am not publishing the whole WIP, and I'm not asking for exclusive rights either.
This is an awesome idea, I love it!
Sure, I'd be happy to see that happen and submit my stories! I never completed the third challenge, but I did get the first two.
1. First Campaigner Challenge
2. The Imago Tree (Second Campaigner Challenge)
Oops, yeah, I'll email that to her, too ;)
This is an awesome idea. Thanks Cat!
Great idea for a very important cause: just sent you an email with all the relevant details :)
@Alynzasmith and everyone - Just to add to what Cat said about copyright, if you have any concerns whatsoever, if you plan to seek to get the entry published as flash fiction, if it's an excerpt from your wip and you're concerned you'll be giving away any copyright or other rights, it's best NOT to submit that particular story for publication. We can't make any guarantees about copyright, I'm afraid - I don't know the laws well enough. So if in doubt, leave it.
I know this won't affect most of you, however, as most wouldn't plan to use the story for anything in the future.
I'm down with this. Email sent. :)
Great idea! Cat, I've emailed you. Thanks for the opportunity and I hope it's a profitable endeavor for this very worthy cause.
I submitted mine! Thanks so much for a great opportunity. Amazing idea :)
Great idea. I will enter mine too. Thanks for organizing this, Cat, let's hope you makes a ton of money.
Would love to donate my stories. This is such a great idea. I've lost family members to cancer, and think this is a great way to help out, even if in a small way.
This is really cool. I wasn't really sure what to do with the stories now that I had them. They've inspired other story ideas and I'm moving on those. But it's nice to do something like this for a cause that helps others.
My e-mail is sent.
I have had 33 participants with one, two or even three stories so far. There is much more room. Send them in!
Great idea! I'm in as well. It will be a great takeaway from the campaign.
I've read a lot of great campaigner stories. This is a good idea.
I think this is an awesome idea, but it's not for me. It's something I'll probably buy if it's not too expensive, though :D
So, just to clarify, our stories will ONLY be included if we email them to you, correct? Because I don't want mine in, since the only challenge I entered ties in with another story that I will be seeking publication for later.
What a nice idea! I am probably going to pass, since mine all seemed (to me) to be incomplete, more like story beginnings. I'd probably buy a copy of the published collection, though. And, if she does it again following the next campaign, I'd aim for more complete stories in my entries.
@blackanddarknight I will only include the stories that the respective authors volunteer. It would be an infringement of copyright if I copied them from the blogs and included them without permission. Also, who'd have the time to do that?
@Elizabeth what a pity. I so much liked your stories even though they weren't full stories (many entries weren't so you'd be in good company).
Brilliant idea Cat. And a good charity too.
I will first consult my expert on writing and publishing (my mother).
Great idea! Love it! I'm definitely in!
Awesome sauce! Why didn't anyone think of doing this before? ;-)
I didn't have time for the second challenge and accidentally missed the third one (Darn! Not the first time that's happened!) but at least I participated in challenge number one :-) I shall send it along...
This is an amazing idea. Have posted email to Cat, hope I am not too late.
Thanks again Cat and Rachel for this opportunity.
Will certainly buy one or two copies.
I'm still looking forward to more stories. So far, we've got 112 stories from 52 participants.
Awesome. I'm in!
Great idea. I'll participate.
Thank you for running this campaign! I really appreciated it although I only participated once . . . I had a tough time uploading your page to see the challenges because it seemed like your blog was mega busy every time I checked - took 20 minutes to load up sometimes.
So . . . I really wished I could have participated more . . . and I think this is an awesome campaign!
And I sent in a story just a few minutes ago . . . better late than never?
I'm in. Emailed Cat. I came back to let you know about Read a book, make a difference was set up by author RS Guthrie as a showcase for authors who donate a part of book proceeds to charity. I'd have joined at the opening last month but I'm not published yet. There were 24 authors last I checked, each with a cause of their choice. The site doesn't get involved with the donations, just publicizes each author and their cause.
I've emailed. I trust my entry made it to its destination. Great cause, thanks so much!
I like to support cancer charities. I'm in.
Great idea...exciting!!
I ended up with 175 stories from 81 participants. Including foreword and description of the challenges, the eBook will be roughly 45K words! I'm awed. Thanks a lot, pals!
I'll try to get it up on Smashwords, Amazon and B&N asap.
This is a great idea, thank you for thinking of it.
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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Resiko Terkena Penyakit Diabetes
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