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For my Second Challenge, winners were decided on the basis on your votes. I've also awarded 5 random prizes (chosen by Mr. Random.org). Before I reveal the winners, I'd love you all to offer up a huge thanks to the awesome people who've helped me out with the prizes for this round: K.T. Hanna, Rachel McClellan, Jeigh Meredith, Claire Hennessy, and Candy Fite. They did an amazing job administering the prizes and communicating with the prize donors. To say thank you, would you please pop over to their blogs and follow them if you haven't already :)
I also want to give all my thanks to those Campaigners who've generously donated over 130 prizes for my Campaigner Challenges (wow!) All I can say is, you guys rock, seriously!!! Wait until you see the awesome prizes below, and we've still got the Third Challenge prizes to go :D
And now to the winners...*drumroll*:
I also want to give all my thanks to those Campaigners who've generously donated over 130 prizes for my Campaigner Challenges (wow!) All I can say is, you guys rock, seriously!!! Wait until you see the awesome prizes below, and we've still got the Third Challenge prizes to go :D
And now to the winners...*drumroll*:
- KT Hanna “Our Imago” (172 likes)
- Lady Jai “Psycho Imago” (153 likes)
- J “Deadly Imago” (118 likes)
- K S Collier “Imago of the Swamp” (99 likes)
- Jen “Mirror Imago” (66 likes)
- Rachel McClellan “Imago Reborn” (64 likes)
- Jeigh “Imago Ed.” (55 likes)
- Michael Haynes “My Name is Imago Montoya” (46 likes)
- Ruth Hartman Berge “Birth of an Imago” (45 likes)
- David Powers King “Your Imago” (42 likes)
- Claire Hennessy “Imago Nightmare” (39 likes) and Alynza Smith “The Imago Serum” (39 likes)
- FE Sewell “The Battle of Imago” (35 likes)
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In First Place, K.T. Hanna has won:
- Full Manuscript Beta or 50 Line Page Edit AND $10 Book/eBook/Gift Card donated by Anonymeet from By Anonymous Writer
- Signed copy of “Delirium” by Lauren Oliver donated by Melisso Sarno from This Too…
- $50 Amazon Gift Voucher donated by Saba from Of Thoughts and Words
- 30 page critique donated by Katharina Gerlach from Katharina Gerlach
- Ebook “Claiming the Prize” written and donated by Nadja Notariani from Nadja Notariani: An Author’s Adventures
- $30 Amazon Gift Card donated by Margo Berendsen from Writing at High Altitude
- Book Cover Art (or blog banner) donated by Shelly Koon from Dark Writes (examples at http://shelleykoon.com/artist)
- Three Chapter Critique plus eBooks: "The Familial Witch," "Scent of a Witch," "Glazier," and "Caffe' Seduzione" donated by Bri Clark from Bri Clark The Belle of Boise
- ARC of “Ditched” by Robin Mellom and “Dirty Little Secrets” by C J Omololu donated by Christa Desir from Christa Writes (US only)
- book to the value of $10 from The Book Depository donated by Sher A Hart from Sher A Hart: Fantasy Writer’s Fancies
- 30 page critique plus two eBooks: “Fencing Reputation” by William L. Hahn and "Urchin King" donated by Katharina Gerlach from Katharina Gerlach
- $5 Gift Card to either of her Etsy Stores (http://www.etsy.com/shop/KACSales or http://www.etsy.com/shop/VintageFusionJewels) and a custom made wallpaper donated by Kristy C from KAC Sales
- Critique (3 Chapters, up to 10K words) donated by Kay Springsteen from The Romance of Your Life
- “Stealing Mercy” written and donated by Kristy Tate from Kristy’s Stories
- Jewelry: Sterling Silver and Swarovski Crystal Earrings and Bracelets donated by Julie Fedderson from Gypsy in my Soul
- e-ARC of Debut Novel “HUSHED” written and donated by Kelley York from Flowers for Ghosts
- Manuscript Review (20-30 pages) donated by Ru from And then she was like blah blah blah
- ARC of "Possession" by Elana Johnson donated by Lola Sharp from Sharp Pen/Dull Sword
- Ebook containing two stories: “Sam, the Strawb Part” and “Dark Clouds” donated by Scott Bury from Written Words
- Critique (up to 7K words) donated by Rebekah Loper from Rebekah Loper, Writer
- “Hating Game” by Talli Roland donated by Ann Ormond Fennell from Inkpots N’ Quills (US/Canada only)
- eBook “The Last Page” donated by Lacy Camey from Live Learn Dance
- “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Creative Writing” donated by Saba from Of Thoughts and Words
- Detailed 15 page manuscript critique donated by Margo Kelly from Margo Kelly
- Mini hand decorated Surfboard donated by Janice Seagraves from Janice’s Home (US/Canada shipping only)
- Critique (limited for a new work or line edit of a final draft, up to 5K words) donated by Sedona Leigh from Sedona’s Attic
- “With Seduction in Mind” by Laura Lee Guhrke (signed) and “A Kiss at Midnight” by Eloisa James donated by Carole St-Laurent from Romance & Beyond Blog (continental US only)
- Critique (5 pages) donated by Chris Eboch from Write Like a Pro!
- $5 Starbucks Card donated by Madam P from P Nuttier Pearls
- Hardcover copy of “Exclusively Chloe” donated by J.A. Yang from jonyangorg
- “Thanks for the Memories” by Cecelia Ahern donated by Len Lambert from Conversations with Self
- Ebook “A to Z Stories of Life and Death” by D Biswas donated by Damyanti from Writing on Writing: Amlokiglogs
I'm also awarding 5 random prizes, chosen by Mr. Random.org! The winners (and prizes) are:
- Tia Bach - “Walking on Water” by Madeleine L’Engle donated by Angelina C Hansen from Musing on the joy of writing
- Catherine M. Johnson - “The Proper Order of Things” written and donated by Tara Benwell from Beyond ELT (Canada only)
- Elizabeth Varadan – Signed copy of “The House on the Corner” written and donated by Andrew Leon from StrangePegs (No International shipping)
- Jana Denardo - “Yours Until Dawn” by Teresa Medeiros donated by Mary from Waibel’s World (US/Canada shipping)
- Sheri L. Swift - “Journey’s End” written and donated by Dora Hiers from Heart Racing, God-Gracing Romance
I'll be announcing the winners of the Third Campaigner Challenge as soon as the judging is finished. In the meantime, don't forget to check out my earlier post about publishing your entries.
Yay, congratulations to all the winners.Well-deserved! I read a lot of those stories and they were really good!
Congratulations to the winners. But I'm wondering. I thought there were judges active (???). Two posted to my blog, and I've seen judge-comments on other blogs too. Hmmm. Well, I guess something went awry.
At least the compilation is coming up nicely. So far, I've got nearly 150 stories. Keep them coming there is room for all.
Cat, the active judges are for the Third Campaigner Challenge, the one that just ended. The Second Challenge, which this post involves, didn't have judges.
Congratulations to all you lovely deserving winners. Thanks also to all alo have helped and donated prizes. Thanks, of course, also to Rach!
Congratulations to all the winners! And thank you to Rachael for hosting the challenge.
Congratulations to everyone!
Congratulations to all the winners! So many stories were so awesome even with the difficult nature of the challenge. Thank you, too, Rachael, for hosting the Campaign.
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to everyone involved in donating prizes and making sure everything ran smoothly :-)
Rach, I know you are probably too busy right now, but when you have a moment, I just 'memed' you on my blog. http://joannamarple.com/?p=1882
Congrats to all of the winners! And a huge TY to Rachael for all of her time and dedication to this Campaign.
Congrats to the winners!! And a huge Thank You to the people who donated their time, talents, and products.
Congrats winners and thank you judges and to the people who donated! This was a GREAT Campaign and I'll be sad to see it end, but met some awesome people along the way :) Thanks for all the fun Rach!
Congratulations to the winners, and a huge thank you to everyone who made the Campaign possible! :)
Congrats to all the winners and thanks for the awesome prize. Can't wait to buy the book with all the stories in. You rock, Rach!
Congrats to all the winners. ^_^
@Rach: Sorry, I got that mixed up. ;-)
Congratulations to the winners!
Congrats Everyone! Some amazing pieces here!
Congratulations everyone! How awesome is that! Can't wait to check out Dora Hiers book! Thanks guys! ; )
Thanks, Rachael. I'm loving the campaign, so winning a random prize was icing on the cake. ;-)
Thanks for my lovely prize :) And a massive thank you Rachael for this fantastic Campaign and all the hard work you have put in.
Congrats to all the winners!!!
Very exciting post. I am clapping for all the winners.
Congratulations to all the winners. Man, this campaign has been so popular. You are a genius Rach.
Congratulations everyone. (Jealous)
Congratulations to the winners! :)
Congratulations to all the winners! Yeah! And a big thank you to Rachel for putting this together. I appreciate everything you did. :)
Congratulations to the winners! This was a really fun one to read and everyone did a great job.
Yay again! I just saw that I'm one of the random winners. Will this be snail mail or digital?
Thank you again for hosting this campaign, Rachael! I'll make good use of that critique. :)
Hi everyone, thanks for your lovely comments!
@Joanna, thanks so much, I've popped by to visit :)
@Elizabeth, snail mail for your book I believe :)
Thank you for the opportunity to do this. :)
Congrats to all the winners! There were some really excellent stories in this challenge--especially considering how difficult it was!
Congratulations to all the winners! Even though I didn't win, I was excited to be moved forward to round two in the judging of this latest challenge.
This was my first time participating in the Platform-Building Campaign. Thanks for all your work in organizing this, Rach. It was a great experience, and I look forward to next year!
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
Hilangkan Jerawat Dengan Cuci Muka Dengan Madu
Olahraga Fitnes Dapat Menambah Gairah Seks
Ciri Ciri Wanita Mengalami Kemandulan
Obat Syaraf Kejepit Tulang Belakang
Resiko Terkena Penyakit Diabetes
Makanan Yang Dapat Mengatasi Masalah Insomnia
Penyebab Pendarahan Selain Menstrulasi
Atasi Wasir Saat Hamil Dengan Cara Ini
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