Then come back here on Monday, October 17th, when my Third Campaigner Challenge is announced. The lovely Jess P will be administering judging for the entries, and we'll be contacting those who volunteered to judge Challenges at the start of my Campaign (excluding those who've already done a round of judging). The prizes for my Third and Last Campaigner Challenge are super-awesome, so make sure you take part!
Check out these great blogfests, contests, and other announcements:

Check out these great blogfests, contests, and other announcements:
- From Alex J. Cavanaugh at Alex J. Cavanaugh: The Insecure Writer's Support Group is for those who want to share, connect, and encourage. We post the first Wednesday of every month. Details here.
- From Dawn, Pam, & Brianna at 1st Writes: Like writing prompts? 1st Writes has a photo prompt every Monday called "See * Photo * Write" where you can linky your entry! Check it out here.
- From Theresa Milstein at Theresa's Tales of Teaching Tribulations and Typing Teen Texts: Theresa Milstein's short story "Allured" is included in the new YA vampire anthology, Fangtales. It's available at Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
- From AJ at Ask What Next: AJ Borowsky's new book "What Next A Proactive Approach to Success" is now available but you could win a copy. For details go to my blog.
- From Hildred Billings at Musings of a Procrastinating Author: Why I Write - an "introspective celebration" for writers to talk about the "why" behind their writing while reading others' and linking back and forth! A great way to make more meaningful connections with other authors online. Details here.
- From Kelley York at YAtopia: October starts the month-long sign-up window for November's I LOVE DARK YA blogfest! Make some new friends and participate in the weekly challenges, all centered around the dark young adult books you love. Check it out here.
- From K. M. Walton at Some Things I Think: The third round of Campaigner Spotlights are up! Meet five fellow Campaigners each week. Details here.
- From Aaron at The Blogger Girlz: As writers we all know words can be beautiful things, but when they are used in a hateful way they can do a lot of damage. In honor of National Bullying Prevention Month please join us in a blog hop to help build awareness of “hate speech” and the role it plays in bullying. Sign up today, and post between Oct 15 and Oct 22. Check it out here.
- From David Powers King at The Cosmic Laire of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Celebrating 400 followers, David Powers King is hosting a FOUR BOOK GIVEAWAY! Check out his blog for more details before October 23rd.
Hi Rach, Hope you have a lovely weekend. Thanks for the notices.
The last challenge was fun!
Yes, really enjoyed entering the last challenge, and reading the others, some very clever entries there. Really looking forward to the third as well as checking out some of the links here on this post - makes it easier for a new blogger to get involved. Thanks, you've been busy!
You forgot Alex Cavanugh & Matthew MacNish's Pay It Forward Bloghop held today.
Best. Bloghop. Ever.
Hi Rach! I didn't discover your blog until too late for this Campaign but I am having fun following along, reading all the entries and I'll be ready when the next Campaign rolls around. What a great idea!
Hi, Rach! Has anyone told you lately that you ROCK? Well, you do! This campaign has been excellent medicine for this writer. It sucked me out of a writing slump, and my fingers are back to the keys. :)))
Thanks for mentioning my giveaway! I've really enjoyed participating in your campaign. Thank you for hosting such an awesome way for us to find and meet other great authors! :)
Will definitely try to do this one!
These announcements sound great, off to check them out! Hope you had a good weekend!
How was your vacation? You went overseas, right? I think I remember hearing that.
Hey, the next challenge starts today, right?
Hi, Rach, I passed on an award to you today. When you have time, stop by and pick it up. Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to your 3rd challenge. This has been so much fun.
Looking for the next challenge? :)
Thank you for mentioning my book. Such great stuff going on. I'll have to make the rounds.
The second campaign challenge was fab. I have only just realised that the 3rd challenge is posted because I have been utterly consumed with the demands of my paying job. Will try to write something this weekend :)
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