On a similar note, I think I may have missed following some of you at the end of last year and during all my internet dramas! – if so, my apologies. Just leave a comment and I’ll come round and
Crusade Biz(ness)

I'm busy collecting everyone's information, allocating Groups, and doing up the List of Crusaders, which I'm hoping to finish and post over the next few days though it's a pretty big task *grins*. In that respect, PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO FILL OUT THIS FORM, cause I need your details in order to add you to the List of Crusaders. Until I get the List of Crusaders posted, you may wish to start visiting/introducing yourself/following those who've put their names down in my Crusade post.
I'll be posting our First Crusader Challenge on Friday, February 18th, so keep an eye out for that, should be heaps of fun (and I'm not going to confirm or deny the rumor that there may be a particularly
Trilogy Contest

- query or synopsis (max. 2 pages) critique (winner's choice)
- first 300 words critique
- first 3 pages critique AND
- first 30 pages critique
So...*drumroll*... the winners of the critiques by me (as determined by random.org out of a total 505 entries) are:
- query or synopsis (max. 2 pages) critique (winner's choice) - Charity Bradford
- first 300 words critique - Tessa Conte
- first 3 pages critique - Nicole Zoltack AND
- first 30 pages critique - PK Hrezo
Congratulations to all the winners. Email me at rachael[dot]harrie[at]gmail[dot]com to claim your prizes. I can’t wait to dive into critiquing!!!
But wait, I see you thinking, there are only 4 winners in this post, where are the others???
Good question, I say. You’ll have to pop over to Marieke’s Musings and The Quest for a Literary Agent to find out the other winners :)
Good luck!
*Unfortunately we didn’t quite get to 50 entries, but we’ll definitely have some books up for grabs in our next contest as well.
I'm glad I joined, I've found some great Blogs and gained a couple followers already! More to keep up with, but more fun and more luv.
Congrats to the winners :-)
Congrats to the winners.
I am so looking forward to meeting this year's Crusaders!
Fantastic!! I will get out my 30 pgs ASAP. :)
Thanks, Rach!
And I can feel the energy from all the crusaders... everyone's really excited! So awesome! Thanks for your hard work getting this thing together.
Congrats to the winners!!! *High Five* I'm excited about the upcoming Crusade! :)
Did my post today and I'm looking forward to getting my feet wet.
Congrats to the Trilogy Contest winners.
Congratulations winners!
I'm loving the crusaders stopping by my blog already. I need to start getting around to everyone else's blogs! Here we go! : )
Congrats to the Trilogy winners, and I can't wait to start Crusader Challenges (*cue Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade music*)
Hi Rachael! I found you through my friend Rachel Firasek and then I found you're platform-building crusade. Did someone say crusade?!
I'm looking forward to putting my little electronic feelers out into the matrix and building my little world. Thanks for taking the time to bring a lot of people together!
Congrats to the winners! And best to all those crusaders!
Okay, I'm all signed up as a Crusader.
Many cogratulations to the winners!
Soooo looking forward to everything Crusader related and have met some new bods already!
(Lucky purple pen in hand at the ready.....)
Congrats to all winners!
Congrats to the winners! I'm all signed up for the Crusade, and I'm looking forward to getting to know you and the other crusaders. I'm starting to meet new people already.
Congratulations to the winners!
Congratulations to all the winners ^_^
Congrats to the winners!
Congrats to all the winners. May their critiques come up gold!
Can't believe how many crusaders are jumping on board.
Congrats to the lucky winners!
Oh wow, this Crusade is shaping up to be HUGE! Good luck filtering and grouping us all...
Congrats to the lucky winners!
Great to see so many crusaders.
Yay! Congrats to the other winners!
So sorry. My profile had my wrong/old blog on display. Totally made me look like a loser :(
My real blog (I really do have one) is at www.whimsywritingandreading.weebly.com
Thanks. Sorry 'bout that.(I just figured out what in the world was going on--I'm technologically defunct).
Congratulations to the winners. Yay, Nicole!
Congrats to the winners!!
Congratulations to the winners! :)
Wow! How did I miss it? I actually forgot I signed up, thanks!
Love the idea about the Crusade! What a great idea to meet other like-minded writers and bloggers. Plus it sounds like a blast. :-)
I thought I had left a comment here, but alas I must not have. So congratulations to the winners. Can't wait for the Crusade to begin.
the Crusade was a lot of fun. I enjoyed pulling together all the unrelated material, telling a lie, and a secret. Good job. Susan
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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