I write stuff for kids...and muse on writing, children's books, and the publishing industry in general

Friday, February 11, 2011

Crusade Biz(ness) - February 11, 2011

I want to start by saying how absolutely amazed I am by the enthusiasm and support you’ve all shown for my Crusade. Hugs to you!!! When I finally worked up the courage to dive into the blogosphere in June last year, with no followers, no idea of what I was getting myself in to, and no clue what I was doing, I never dreamed I’d be welcomed with such open arms. So I’m really chuffed I’ve had this opportunity to pay it forward just a little bit! Ok, I’m not going to get all mushy on you, I promise, so I’ll just say I love our community of writers (and you guys are awesome!) and leave it at that.

I’m going to dive straight into some Crusade business...(and apologies for the long post!)

A big decision

When I called the Crusade last Friday, I was expecting (honestly) perhaps 70 or so people to jump on board. We’ve more than doubled that number, and at the time of posting, we now have 163 Crusaders who’ve filled out my form *gulps* and another few who are still to do so and more still joining.

Because the Crusade is not just about getting heaps and heaps of followers though I can’t help but squee when I see all your followers go up, I’ve had to make a big decision. So...I’m going to close the List of Crusaders. Not something I thought about before, but it will mean you all have the chance to get to know the Crusaders who’ve already joined, without having to spend your time keeping track of new Crusaders who join as the weeks go by. And I’ll be able to spend more time getting to know you, without all the administration required when new Crusaders sign up.

I know some of you haven’t filled out the form yet, so I’ll keep the List of Crusaders open until 11.59pm (EST) on Saturday, February 12. After that time, I’m afraid I won’t be taking on any new Crusaders this Crusade, even if you have commented in my original post. So, if you haven’t filled out this form, please do it ASAP if you want to be a part of this Crusade!!! And, obviously, please make sure you've read my original post and followed the requirements to become a Crusader.

I will be running further Crusades in the future, and possibly even one later in the year, for any of you who want to rejoin, and for others who missed out this time around.

So where is the List of Crusaders? You promised Rach!


With so much interest shown, my dream of posting the List of Crusaders a few days ago has fluttered out the window (I dived for it, but was left with nothing but a gorgeous maroon tail feather in my hand and a ringing cry that sounded suspiciously like a laugh in my ears!).

I’m working my way through the list, checking links, popping round to visit people, sorting Crusaders into their different Crusade Groups, and all the stuff I need to do to make sure this Crusade runs smoothly. Fingers crossed, I’ll be posting the List in the next few days, so keep an eye out for it.

Once the List of Crusaders is posted, what then?

I’ll apologize in advance if I’ve made any mistakes! Email me at rachael[dot]harrie[at]gmail[dot]com if there are any problems.
  1. Check your name is on the List of Crusaders. Please tell me I’ve included everyone!
  2. Check I have your details and links correct.
  3. Check you’re happy with the Group(s) I’ve put you in. Some of you have asked to be placed in more than one Group, others I’ve based on the genres you listed in the form. I’m happy to switch things up if needed, or pop you in more than one Group, just let me know (remember that being in more than one Group will increase the number of Crusaders you’ve committed to actively support).
  4. Take note of those Crusaders in your Group, and do what you can to actively support them. Comments on as many of their posts as you can manage, in particular, are a fantastic way to show your support. But...see what else you can come up with too :) And, who knows, you may even find critique partners (or groups), or beta readers, or lifelong friends who can share your writing journey with you!
  5. Have a look at the Crusaders in the other Groups. I’ve included everyone’s genres in the List of Crusaders so you can see people with common writing interests to you. Think about who you’d like to get to know better. Perhaps they write in a genre similar to yours, perhaps they have an interesting project on the go, perhaps they have an awesome blogging voice. Sky’s the limit really. Then, hie thee over and make contact.
  6. And, of course, make sure you’re following all the Crusaders. It’s fabulous to see so many of you already out and about, and meeting and following each other! A little hint for what’s to come, but Crusader Challenges will be judged on a points basis, and one of the requirements for you to score top points in a Challenge (and have a chance at winning the prizes!) is that you are following all the Crusaders or have subscribed to their feeds for those who don't have the followers gadget :) So you’ll have two weeks from today to get round and follow everybody if you want to be in the running for the awesome First Crusade Challenge prize!
Basically, you’ll get out of this Crusade what you put in. I guess it’s the same for the blogosphere in general, the more comments you make, the more you get out there and interact with your fellow Crusaders, the more it will come back to you in kind! Once I have all the administrative organizing out of the way, I won’t be involving myself too much in this part of the Crusade (though I have already hooked up one of the Crusaders with another Crusader I thought they’d get along fabulously with!!!).

How can I make sure I see all your posts about the Crusade?

I usually post about Crusade business on Fridays, though I might need to post at other times too. I have a link gadget thingy on my sidebar, which lists all the posts that are related to the Crusade. Check it out whenever you visit Rach Writes... just in case there’s a new post you’ve missed.

First Crusade Challenge

The First Crusade Challenge will be posted next Friday morning, woot!!! Keep an eye out, you’ll have a week to post and put your link in Mr Linky if you want to take part.

Crusade Challenges are voluntary – they’re just for fun and giggles, and as a way for you to get to know your fellow Crusaders better :) I know many of you are doing the A-Z Challenge in April, so I'll see what I can do to combine Challenges in April with posting for that event, so you don't have more than one big thing on your plate.

Any Volunteers for the Challenge Judging?

I’m putting together a posse of Crusaders who’ll help me out by judging the Crusader Challenges. I’ve asked a few Crusaders already, but I thought I’d throw it open to anyone who wants to volunteer to help me out (if I get heaps of interest, I’ll rotate Crusader judges around). It would disqualify you from winning that Challenge (though you can still take part of course), but you’d have a lot of fun, and it might be a way for you to get to know your fellow Crusaders even quicker. Just shoot me an email :)

*takes a deep breath* Phew, I think that’s all. Um, any questions???


Carrie said...

Sounds great! Thanks for all your work!

Ann said...

Ok, I think I filled out the form. I am pretty sure I did, but then my head has been like a sieve lately. So just for good measure I am going to fill it out again.

PK HREZO said...

Wow, Rach! Big props for all your hard work. Let me know if I can help with anything. I think it's a good idea to close it out so it's not too overwhelming.
And don't worry ... I won't send you anything to crit for a few weeks so you can get all this sorted. I'm in no hurry, so take your time, sister.

Bloggers Unite!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You've gone to so much trouble. All the best with your Crusade :)

Heather Hellmann said...

Thanks for creating such a wonderful event!

Summer Ross said...

Wow- lots of work going into this- I'm excited for it. Thank you so much for trying to tie in the challenges to April A-Z I'm participating also and man I was worried LOL

I will try to follow everyone- I'm a bit lost at this, when you have the lists up I think it might be much easier.

Margo Benson said...

Crumbs! This is huge - thank you so much for bringing the crusade and all of us together.

J.L. Campbell said...

So interested was I in being part of this experience, I didn't realize I also had a chance to win prizes as well. Kudos to you for doing all of this work!

Tony Benson said...

Congratulations on the awesome response to this crusade. This is such a fabulous way to get bloggers to meet eachother and explore new blogging relationships. I'm really enjoying it so far, and it's barely started.

You're putting a huge amount of effort into this, and we're all benefitting from it. Thank you!!!!!

Dominic de Mattos said...

Hi Rach ... it's great to see your baby flying and thank you for your commitment (even if it is a bit more than you were expecting!) Looking forward to getting involved.

Tony Benson said...

And you're just about to reach 400 followers. Congratulations!

The Blogger Formerly Known As said...

Your hard work is paying off, Rach, well done. You’re doing an excellent job.

Anything I can do to help, just let me know

Hugs :)

Su said...

Goodness, you have given yourself some work to do! It is much appreciated!

Erin said...

Thank you for all of your work, Rachael! I'm excited for everything crusade-related to start up.

Just yell if you need help with anything...I'm good with spreadsheets, list-making, and boring, repetative tasks of all kinds. =) Happy to help!


fletch8502 at yahoo dot com

Quitting My Day Job

Adina West said...

You are a champion among bloggers Rach. And yes, *nods graciously* you may have more time to organise your list of 163 Crusaders before posting it. (Did you say 163??? Holy cow!)

Looking forward to 'meeting' my group.


Michael Di Gesu said...

Alrighty Rach,

ONE follower short of 400....YAY!

You do have a lot on your plate with this. I suggest you honor some of us with some administrative work if you feel overwhelmed. This is TOO much for one person to handle.... Just a suggestion. If you need a helping hand let me know. I'll pitch in and help.


Zan Marie said...

Rach, I can't imagine the work your doing! Whew! I'm tired just reading the post. I'll do my best to keep up. And write. And take the dogs out. (I promise, boys ; )

Sarah Ketley said...

Sure is a big job :-)

I was wondering when you might actually close the list. i thought you might have to do that. you must be over 200 now??

yeah well let us know if you need us to help in any way.

have fun:-)


Michelle Merrill said...

You Rock Rach. Epic Rachael! This is awesome. I don't blame you for not having the list up yet...I didn't expect so many people. Way to go! Thanks for all your hard work.

Susan Fields said...

Wow, what a lot of work this must be for you. Again, thank you so much for putting this all together and organizing and everything you're doing! It's wonderful to hear that you're getting such an amazing response!

Witless Exposition said...

That's such an amazing turnout! I'm really excited to be part of it, and can't wait for next Friday!

Elena Solodow said...

I'm open to being a judge for one of the challenges.

Shelley Munro said...

It's great you've had such a big response. I'm looking forward to the first challenge.

Nas said...

Thanks for creating such a wonderful event!

Anonymous said...

*gulps* Following one hundred sixty plus blogs? Procrastination here I come! Heh heh, no honestly this will be a lot of fun! Can't wait to see the groups! :D Glad to see the response was so overwhelming, but I'm with your decision for closing off the list.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachael,
I'm psyched for this Crusade, and am having fun meeting new people already. Thanks so much for all you do!

Alexis said...

Thank you so much for doing all this work just so we can get to know each other better. it truly is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

What an undertaking. Thank you, truly.

DL Hammons said...

Thanks for doing all this work Rach! I'll be keeping my eye out for that challenge. :)

Akoss said...

I'm interested in joining. Right now google won't let me join your follower list but I will come back and check again, then fill out the form.
I've already blogged about it here

Carol Riggs said...

Thanks for all your work! Having a deadline is a GREAT idea, and lets people know when to bustle over here. I put the deadline time/date on my blog post (now that I've posted it):
Artzicarol Ramblings: Writer's Crusade

Aun-Juli said...

This is a fantastic idea, and I'm so excited to be a part of it. :D

Kim Mullican said...

Thank you for all of your awesome work!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I signed-up but I need to figure out how to make a button. I fail at website design.

Francesca said...

OMG, HUGE job. HUGE! Thank you for being blog-world-star.

Sylvia Ney said...

WOW - congratulations on the success of this initiative.I'm looking forward to it!

Regina said...

Rachael, thanks for taking the time to do this for all of us. I think this is a great idea and can't wait to participate if I made the list. Great idea! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Lisa Potts said...

Rach, you're Wonder Woman. I would love to judge one of the challenges whenever you need me. Just let me know.

J.C. Martin said...

Wow, what a massive crusade! Good job! I'm glad I hopped on when I did!

I'd be happy to help judge on of the Challenges! Just let me know!

And...there's a blog award waiting for you at my site!


Trisha said...

Dude, I already follow HEAPS of people, looks like my list will be expanding! :D But it's cool, this is a fun easy way to find new things to read! hehe. can't wait to see the first challenge!

RaShelle Workman said...

Hey Rachel, Good luck with your crusade. Sounds wonderful. =D

Margo Berendsen said...

You will definitely get some great writing/publishing karma for coming up with this brilliant and helpful idea, and please count me in if you need a hand with judging or anything else.

Len Lambert said...

The Crusaders event is successful already, woot-woot! :) I'm looking forward to the challenges!!!! Yay! :) I've got book giveaways on my blog to celebrate 200 Followers, please come and see! Hugs! :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

wow, that's a lot of crusaders...we could take over the world!! ;)

Coreene Callahan said...

Great work, Rach! Thanks for putting it all together. I'm really excited about getting to know everyone!

J.L. Murphey said...

Rach, don't bother trying to respond to this, because frankly...your readership is too large.
I love what you are trying to do here and that's why I joined. My readership is small, but friendly. This is about the only place I've advertised except for my signature in a few online sites.
I've been holding out on a marketing ploy until I get my readership up a bit on one of my novels, but take your time...Jo

Will Burke said...

Thank You so much for integrating this with the A-Z Challenge! Very thoughtful, and easier to manage.

Anonymous said...

Ooh I didn't see this post before, if you need any more judges, I'll help out :)

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

I am so sad that I didn't see this a few weeks ago. I have been wanting to increase my followers and friends on my blog. I am a Womans Romance writer. I have been beating my head against a wall to figure out how to do this. You are a genius! Do you think any of the wonderful writers/bloggers would still be willing to come and follow/visit my blog if I go and follow their blogs? Thanks~~Sheila


aisyahputrisetiawan said...

Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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Unknown said...

thank for the information, i'm very happy to visit your website

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