I write stuff for kids...and muse on writing, children's books, and the publishing industry in general

Friday, February 4, 2011

Second Writers’ Platform-Building Crusade

Because of the overwhelming response I've had to my Second Crusade, I’m afraid I won’t be taking on any more Crusaders. Keep an eye out for my Third Crusade, I'd love to have you on board.

There are so many of us out there. Aspiring authors, bloggers (whether established or beginning), industry peeps, even published authors, all of whom want to build their online platforms. We write insightful posts and articles, actively blog within the blogosphere, take part in challenges, competitions, and contests galore.

We have the passion and the drive to make it, but…we could all do with a bit of support.

So I started thinking. What if we link all these people together? What if we create a way to meet people in a similar position, people who genuinely want to help build our online platform while at the same time building theirs? People who want to pay it forward in the spirit of writerly writerness and blogging beautificity (and see it come back to them in turn).

And so my Writers’ Platform-Building Crusade was born.

What is the Crusade?

Basically, the Crusade is a way to link those within the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Crusaders are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others' online platforms while at the same time building theirs.

Last year (my First Crusade) we had 55 Crusaders, many of whom have become great blogging friends. We saw our followers skyrocket and the comments on our posts increase, and had fun taking part in Crusade Challenges as well (kartofflepuffer anyone???).

I’ll list your names and blogs on my List of Crusaders page so you can keep in touch with the other Crusaders. And you’ll have a list of bloggers in the same position as you, who genuinely want to help you succeed. You can visit their blogs, follow along, leave comments galore, and share your highs and lows as you journey through the blogosphere and build your online platform. And they'll be doing the same for you.

Length of the Crusade

This Crusade will run from February 1st to April 30th, though I’ll be calling additional Crusades in the future. You’re very welcome to keep on Crusading after my official organization ends on April 30th.

How to join?

If you’d like to join, here’s what you’ll need to do:
  1. follow me if you haven't already, so you can keep in touch with all the Crusade Biz(ness) (posted on Fridays) and take part in Crusade Challenges etc
  2. comment on this post, to let the other Crusaders know you’ll be coming on board
  3. blog about the Crusade to help spread the word (include a link to this post and encourage your followers to join)
  4. if you’re on Twitter, tweet about the Crusade and include a link to this post. I'm @RachaelHarrie if you want to follow me in the Twitterverse
  5. pop a link to this post on Facebook (if you’re a Facebook fan)
  6. AND fill out this form.
After you’ve joined

Once you’ve joined the Crusade:
  1. keep an eye on my List of Crusaders page (so you can meet any new Crusaders)
  2. follow all the other Crusaders
  3. pop round and introduce yourself to all the Crusaders in your Crusade Group. If you wish, pop round to some or all of the other Crusaders and introduce yourself as well
  4. put a Crusade button on your sidebar and link it back to my Writers' Platform-Building Crusade page at the top of Rach Writes... (I use the above picture for all my Crusade stuff if you want to use that one too)
  5. keep an eye out for posts by other Crusaders (and particularly those in your Crusade Group) and do your best to comment on as many as you can, as often as you can. This is one of the key ways Crusaders will help each other out and pay it forward
  6. also consider following your fellow Crusaders on Twitter and liking them on Facebook, mentioning their blog posts and re-tweeting their tweets, and otherwise supporting them
  7. join in my Crusader Challenges if you wish (I'm hoping to run one every second or third Friday). It's a great way to get to know the other Crusaders and have fun at the same time.
Can't wait to have you on board!



1 – 200 of 236   Newer›   Newest»
Angela Scott said...

WOW!!! I (think) I'm number one! Sweet!

I'm so excited to visit other blogs and get to meet new people with new ideas, hopeful make a few writing friends as well along the way.

The more support we give and get, all the better. That's what it's all about.

Thanks for putting this together.

Fav Quote--
"The only difference between schizophrenics and writers is that schizophrenics take medication to silence the voices in their heads. Writers, on the other hand, write down everything those voices tell them and then try and sell it."

Adina West said...

I'm in! :-) Looking forward to meeting my Crusade group when it all gets happening.


And I love Angela's quote above. Maybe the only way we CAN silence the voices is by writing it all down. Writerly catharsis...

Unknown said...

I'm so there!!

Off to do the tweeting, Facebooking thing... Will get it onto my blog this weekend...

Hurray for the second Crusade!

And I like Angela's fav quote ;-)

Misha Gerrick said...

Aw I really wanted to join the crusade this time. But it clashes with Lee's A-Z challenge in April.

Maybe next time around.


Len Lambert said...

Count me in! :)

PK HREZO said...

I'm in! Sign me up! I'll blog about it in next few days. :)

Marieke said...

*frees twisted arm* I'm in, I'm in!!


And very excited about it! ^.^

Will Burke said...

Sounds like you've got a good thing going here, I just Followed you, refered by Hart Johnson, and I'm off to the Fill Out Form page. See y'all soon!

Theresa Milstein said...

I want to join the writer crusade! Len Lambert just reminded me. I just posted, so I'm going to add a link to this now. I'll post this on FB now.

Len Lambert said...

Hi Rach, posted on Facebook and just wrote a blog post today :)

Megan K. Bickel said...

I'm in again too! I'll blog about it this weekend. Yay! You rock for organizing all this!

Stina said...

I'm definitely thinking about it, although I do get a lot of comments as it is now and can barely keep up with them. But I will send out a tweet about it now. :)

Heather Hellmann said...

Count me in! I'll post about it sometime today. I'm so excited to join!

Su said...

Yay! I'm in.

Ciara said...

I'm doing the A-Z blog challenge so I'm going to try to work them in together. Here is my tweet link. http://www.ciaraknight.com/2011/02/04/flashback-friday-10/

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wish it didn't coincide with the A to Z Challenge!

Unknown said...

What a great idea, Rachael! I've never done one of these before, but count me in for sure. I'll post about it in my next, and I'm not currently doing the TwitBook thing. Here's my blog url:


Might I suggest that folks who do Crusade related blog posts be sure to mention it in the title? Like many others, I use a reader to keep up with blogs and I don't want to miss any posts by fellow Crusaders!

Jess said...

I'm in! Can't wait to connect with fellow Crusaders :)

L.A. Colvin said...

I'm sick but crawled out of bed and logged on just long enough to get here and put my name in. I'm doing the A-Z blogfest too but I think we can do both. Will blog and stuff when my medicine induced fog lifts a little.

Hart Johnson said...

I'm in! ready to fly!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Rachael, I remember seeing this last year but was so new I was skittish. Not so much anymore. I'm in!! Will pass on the word on all my sites. Thanks so much. Looking forward to getting to know you better and everyone else who's participating!

Summer Ross said...

It sounds like a terrific idea. I would like to be apart of it. I'll post about next week!

Ann said...

I would love to join the crusade. I am in great need of help!!! I have posted a link on Facebook. Will put this on my sidebar too.

Susan Schreyer said...

Excellent idea! Many thanks for organizing this!

Coreene Callahan said...

I'm in. . .and terrified. I'm new to this whole blog thing, as in yesterday new! lol But, I'm looking forward to meeting all of you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great!

I'm working on renovating my house, so might not have a lot of time, but will try to do my best!

Michelle Merrill said...

I'm in this time! I'll fill out the form and blog about it on Monday! Thanks Rach.

Michael Di Gesu said...

You know I'm in Rach,

Now I am doing A-Z with Alex, but that's not until April ... I have the time to do both... Can I?

I do all the Crusader stuff this weekend.


Kari Marie said...

I'm in for sure! I'll fill out the form tomorrow and blog etc....

Anonymous said...

I'm in!
(My internet crashed like 5 times trying to sign up)

Bess Weatherby said...

Great! I'm in -- will blog about it Monday, if that's okay :)

The Blogger Formerly Known As said...

Count me in too, please :)

Savannah Chase said...

Sign me up...

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey guys, it's fantastic to see so many of you coming on board!!! Woot, this is going to be an awesome Crusade.

Please don't forget to fill out the form so I can add you to the List of Crusaders.

I'm planning on doing the A-Z Blogging Challenge as well, so I'm hoping to fit both Crusading and the Challenge into April. But I'm sure the other Crusaders would understand if you're not as active in April, given the Challenge is all about platform-building too :) And there are two full months before then for you to get Crusading.



Dominic de Mattos said...

*Jumps on board and waves to fellow crusaders!*

Big smiles to be here!

Great idea Rach - I saw various crusading buttons from the first one and didn't know what they meant - now I do!


Nas said...

Count me in. I followed through from PK Hrezo's blogpost. I blog on:


and www.twitter.com/nasdean

VR Barkowski said...

I'm going to try both the A to Z and the Crusade too. Wish me luck. Hail fellow Crusaders!

Raquel Byrnes said...

This is such a great idea! I'm so excited.
Edge of Your Seat Romance

Charlotte Rains Dixon said...

Okay, I'm in! I'm going to spend the next few days getting caught up on visiting all the Crusaders blogs and following you all. Very exciting.

Rusty Carl said...

I'm in the fold now. I'll be blogging about it asap.

Anonymous said...

Truly awesome! This is a brilliant idea. I love the idea of connecting with other writers. I'm signing up!

Julie Musil said...

What a fun idea! I hope I filled out the form right. I'm a little goofy with stuff like that.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'll be doing the A-Z challenge as well, but I should be ok to do both...hopefully. I'll blog about it next week :)

The Weed said...

I'm so in!

Amanda Milner said...

I'm here Rach!! I'm a newbie to the blogger universe...as of today;-) I didn't want to miss out on the second Crusade!! Lol!

Anonymous said...

Yay another Crusade, thanks so much Rach!

Zan Marie said...

Oh do count me in! I'm just stretching my wings and found Dom last weekend. So many new friends, so little time...; )
Zan Marie

Kristal Lee said...

Hi Rach!
This is fantastic! Ciara Knight pointed me here from her blogpost at New Kids on the Writers Blog. I'm excited to join the Crusaders this year!

Claire G said...

Hurrah! Great idea. The girls at All the World's Our Page will definitely be in for this- I'll go back through the instructions and make sure I do it right, but looking forward to meeting new people and sharing in more writing journeys already :)

Margo Berendsen said...

YAY! a lot of comments - we all love this idea! I see a few names I recognize and lots that I don't! Off to start visiting...

DL Hammons said...

Book me Danno!!!! This is going to be fun yet again!! :)

Tara said...

Sounds like something I can keep up with. I filled out the form, but the blog post will be up tomorrow with the link to this. I'll share it on FB now.

Anonymous said...

Hi, found you through Savannah Chase and looking forward! I'm always open for guest posts at my blog from fellow crusaders.


Roland D. Yeomans said...

To crusade for friendship and lending aid to others is a great endeavor. Of course I add my name to this uplifting venture. Have a great weekend, Roland

gt281 said...

interesting concept....

Cathy said...

"Me too!" to all of the above. I'll get it on my blog sometime this weekend. Can't wait to join the fun.

Deniz Bevan said...

I'm glad I found out about this, I'd love to participate!

Misha Gerrick said...

It took me a while... But here I am... signing in... Good luck! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

(I'm angling to become the Black Knight Crusader.)


Anonymous said...

I never thought of myself as a Crusader, but heck, why not?

Power to the Artist!

Rachael Harrie said...

Wow...just...wow! We've already got about 55 Crusaders, and it's still only the second day!!!

I'm hard at work collecting everyone's names and details ready for posting in my List of Crusaders, but feel free to start popping around and meeting all the other Crusaders who've commented in this post :)



Denise Covey said...

Hi Rach! Great that you're our fearless leader again. So many jostling to get under your flag! This is my first step of the many challenges you've set above.

Lead on!


@pichetsinparis on twitter

my fb link is on my blog L'Aussie

Yay, into the fray!

Publication Party!

Megan K. Bickel said...

Rach - Got my post up and ready! Wasn't sure how to get back to my form to give you the link to the post, so here it is...


Miles McG said...

Hello again, Rach! So excited! I'm in!

Here's my post about it:


Can't wait for the challenges! They were fantastic last time around! :)

Mary Mary said...

Good to see the Crusade kick off again! Hey to every Crusader out there! I put a link to it on my current post:


♥ Mary Mary

Faith said...

I promise to be a better Crusader this time around! :) Ah, and it was so much fun meeting new people. I'm in! I'll post my Crusade-y blog over the weekend.

Rachel Walsh said...

Jumping into the fray here, with Claire from ATWOP ... this is going to be fun!

Shelley Munro said...

This looks like fun. I'm in :)


Margo Benson said...

Brilliant idea! I'm a new follower and very excited about this Crusade. Off to pop a link over at mine.

Tony Benson said...

What a great idea! I'm definitely signing up. I'm off to do a post, links and all the bizz now.

Anonymous said...

Such a great idea Rach. I'm signed up for the A-Z Challenge, I wonder how the 2 can be combined. Will have a look see :O)

Golden Eagle said...

I'm in. It sounds like it's going to be great!

Anonymous said...

I'm in, leading a small army of my most formidable characters in battle!

Bast said...

I'll be joining the crusade again. I'll be back from my vacation from blogging tomorrow; so I'll post about this either then or on Tuesday and then I'll come back to fill out the form.

Unknown said...

Just popping over from Margo's site. Can't wait to join the crusade and connect with my fellow writers.

Kristen Callihan said...

Claire from ATWOP told me about this. What a great idea.

J.L. Campbell said...

Compliments of Misha (http://sylmion.blogspot.com/) I found my way here. Wonderful idea. Will be signing up. Post and link to follow soon.

Susan Montgomery said...

Rach - wonderful idea! Claire from All The World's Our Page found this and let me know about it.

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

I'm in, again, too. I'll get a post up on Tuesday and come back to fill in the form. :)

Lydia Kang said...

Great idea! I'm in, and will put a linky on my blog too.

alberta ross said...

okay I'd like to give this a go - found you just before I hit the sack will start tomorrow with the tweets etc - looking foward to this - good girl for setting it up - overlapping with the a-z but sure the two can fit in together

keep smiling

Danette said...

I read about this on Michael's blog 'On Writing' and as I believe in supporting the writing community it sounded worthwhile so I think I'll give this a go. I have my post for tomorrow all set but I should be posting about it sometime this week and I will definitely tweet about it once I blog on it!!!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I'm in.

erica and christy said...

Okay, we're back (to blogging, blog commenting, and the Crusade - man was January/first week of February busy!). We'll post the link tomorrow.

Lauri said...

This sounds like a great idea. I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a lot of info to fill out. I'll have to come back to this during the week. But pencil me in!

Jennifer Hendren said...

Sign me up! :) What a great idea...very excited to get started! Thank you so much for hosting.

Carrie said...

Great idea! I can't wait to get started. Thanks, Rachael :)

J.C. Martin said...

Sign me up! I missed the last crusade and will not miss this one!

Rachel Firasek said...

I'm in! Can't wait!

Susanna Leonard Hill said...

What a great idea! I am new to blogging and heard about the crusade through Megan Bickel's blog, The Write-At-Home-Mom. I'm so excited to participate! Looking forward to meeting you all and checking out your blogs!

Vicki Tremper said...

Awesome idea, thanks so much! I'd love to be included.

Becky Wallace said...

Great idea! Thanks for letting us all play!

Witless Exposition said...

Great idea! Can't wait for the first challenge and getting to know everybody!

Elena Solodow said...

Sending in my form now.

Ben Langhinrichs said...

Cool idea! I'm in (and filled out the form and tweeted and what not)

Chris Phillips said...

I expect a certificate of participation.

Crystal Collier said...

I'm somewhat of a fringe writer, branching into the musical arts, but I do eventually plan to novel-ize, so I'm in!

Liz A. said...

This sounds like an interesting idea. I'm in, but a bit late to the party. I'll have to blog about it in a day or two (I hope that's okay!).

Sari Webb said...

I'm not entirely sure what goes on with this blogfest, but if you mention meeting new writerly buddies I'm in, so count me signed up :)

Unknown said...

Hey Rach! Here's the link to my blog post about the Crusade, as promised.


Margo Kelly said...

Count me in! :)

Samantha Vérant said...

I'm in! I'm in!
Dare to Follow Your Heart

Dan said...

I'm a little late as usual, but I'm in.

Sanguine Musings

Rachael Harrie said...

Wow, I'm totally blown away by the interest you're all showing in my Crusade!!! I LOVE the Crusading vibe we've already got going around the blogosphere, even though the Second Crusade is still in its early days. So far we've got 92 people who've officially signed up by filling out the form, plus some others who are yet to do that step (and quite likely more who'll join over the coming weeks). This is going to be one AWESOME event :)

Hugs to you all,


Tracy said...

Eep! I came in so I could start harrassing . . . erm, following other crusaders. Only to realize, while I filled out the form, I never actually left a comment here.

*slaps forehead*

Sadly, this sort of scatteredness is nothing new for my brain.

KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

VERY cool- thanks for doing this. Can't wait for the crusade!

Anonymous said...

My blog/friend lbdiamond posted about this Crusade. I'm excited to participate.

Anonymous said...

Ridicu-awesome, Rach. You KNOW I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I just learned about this Crusade from J.L. Campbell's blog. Sounds like fun! I'm signing up :)

Sully's Scribbles said...

Signing up! Can't wait to meet some new peeps!

Unknown said...

I'm in too! :D

Lindz Pagel said...

I'm still very new to this whole blogging world, so this is a great way for me to connect to more writers. I'm totally in.

Scheherazade said...

I'm in. This is a great idea.

Donea Lee said...

What a fabulous idea!!! New follower and I'll complete the form as soon as I get my blog post up. Thanks for this! I hope it does great things for all involved ~ :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I am joining!
Will post about this on Wednesday and my blog links to Facebook, so it will appear there - and I just Tweeted.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I'm in! I may or may not have an addiction to blogs so this will most definitely rock. :D I can't wait! I've blogged about it and am filling out the form right now. This will be fun!

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to be a crusader. Seriously. :-)I will give a shout out on my blog. Great idea Rachel.

Unknown said...

Such an awesome idea! Mentioned it on my blog and Twitter. Thanks for doing this! :)

fridayam said...

I'm a poet--I hope I count! Definitely in.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the hook up, PK! And thanks Rachel...GREAT idea!

Rebecca Christiansen said...

This sounds awesome, I'll join in!

Erin said...

I'm in! Great idea. Thank you for organizing all of this!

Quitting My Day Job

Kerrin said...

fantastic idea - love to join!

ali cross said...

What a fun idea! Count me in!

Christine said...

Sounds like fun! I'm totally on board.

Diana said...

I'm on board. I hope I understand what I'm supposed to do. :)

Sarah Ketley said...

Absolutely PERFECT.

We love you i am sure.

Great job and count me IN!! New blog, New Book, i need you and i will post away on everyone's blogs!!

thanks again

Sharde(Shar-day) said...

Count me in.

PT Dilloway said...

Yeah what the hell I'll give it a shot. I'm using my blogger name though because the Wordpress thing isn't working right. It's the same name though, just wordpress instead of blogger.

Anonymous said...

Glad to have found this - many thanks!

Anonymous said...

This blog crusade idea excites me. Our writer's group is onboard to participate. Thanks for doing this!

Charity Bradford said...

Wow! What a great idea. Thanks for doing it. I can't wait to connect with other writers in my genre. Currently most of the people I follow are YA something or other, and few that are sci fi. I'd love more sci fi friends!

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Such an amazing idea! Can't wait to check out all the blogs! :D

Stephanie Skeem said...

This sounds like a great idea. I'm a YA writer as well. Count me in.

M.J. Fifield said...

Beam me up, Scottie. Sounds like a great idea- no, make that a brilliant idea!

Shari said...

I'm looking forward to participating.It sounds great!

Unknown said...

I'm all signed up! Looking forward to it!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

Count me in! I'm already a follower here and will FB and blog shortly. :-)

Jordan McCollum said...

Oh, this sounds great!

Christine Danek said...

Sounds like fun! I'll post about it Friday. I will also tweet about it soon.

dolorah said...

OK; I put it on my Flyby's post tonight. Not sure what all is involved here, but I'm willing to try.


Rachael Harrie said...

Um...*checks list*...we now have 134 Crusaders who've officially come on board!!! Completely awesome, fantastic, splendid, AND fabulous :)

For those of you who haven't filled out the form yet, get in quick, cause I'm putting up the List of Crusaders on Friday or Saturday, and it might take me a while to add additional names to it after that.

I'm so excited by this Crusade, and I've loved meeting most of you guys on your blogs. More visits still to come ;)



kar_took said...

Hi everybody,

I'm sneaking in my Crusade post and filling out the form at work, so I'm on board again this year. I had a great time with he first Crusade and I'm looking forward to seeing who is in my group.

Kar x

Patricia A. Timms-McGehee said...

I was thinking that maybe I couldn't do it this time around because some overwhelming things have come up for my family this year, but I already feel left out.

I had so much fun the first time and made so many great new friends (you know their friends when you can't get around to all of them all the time but they're so friendly when you finally do stop by their blogs and comment. And they come to my blog even when I can't always make it to theirs).

Count me in, again. I will fill out the form and post about it soon.

In the meantime, I hope you're well and that your moving along steadily in your writing.

anny cook said...

Okay, I'm in! Don't know what I'm doing, but here I am.

Elizabeth Twist said...

I want to crusade! Thanks for organizing this, and count me in!

Kelsey said...

This is a great idea :) Following!


J E Fritz said...

So this is the crusade I've been hearing about! I'm signing up. A bit late, as usual.

AimeeLSalter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AimeeLSalter said...

I'm with Fritz - in late, but in nonetheless. What a fab idea!

Blogged, and already getting hits!!!

Hope Welsh said...

What an awesome idea! I Facebooked--tweeted and will do a blog! This is just an awesome idea.

You're brilliant!

Devin Bond said...

Finally joining after thinking on it. Happy to be involved!

Brian H said...

Damn...I am always late to the party. Story of my life. But I am so in...

Aun-Juli said...

Joining in the crusade now! :D

nindogs said...

I absolutely love this! I'm going to join this so hard.

Susan Fields said...

This is such a great idea - thanks so much for doing this! Can't wait to get started. :)

Sylvia said...

I am in :) what a wonderful idea! Posting now!

Walter H. Schulze III said...


I am a man who is trying to put together a non-ficion account of living in a matriarchal marriage. Is that outside the scope?

Rachael Harrie said...

@subservient-husband, I'm afraid we have very few non-fiction writers participating in this Crusade, and not enough to put together a non-fiction group. Given that, I think this may not be the best fit for you. Wishing you the best of luck with your account.


Erin said...

Rachael - Just wanted to let you know that I did blog about the Crusade today, so hopefully I'm all offical and whatnot now. =) Thanks again for organizing this!


fletch8502 at yahoo dot com

Quitting My Day Job

Deborah Walker said...

Room for a little one? I'm in.

Lynnette Labelle said...

Neat idea! I'm in.

Lynnette Labelle

Alyssa Fox said...

This is a great idea I'm in.

Francesca said...

I've only just heard about this! Neat! Is it okay that I'm late to the party? Can I call it fashionably late? Maybe?

Beth said...

I am your newest follower. Can I join the crusade late?

Anonymous said...

I'm in - just signed up for email subscription (not sure if that counts) and I'll do the Google follow thing too. Really looking forward to this!

Lynnette Labelle said...

I've tweeted and posted about this on my blog, but hadn't when I filled out the form. Just wanted to let you know.

Lynnette Labelle

Tanya Reimer said...

I'm in. Will do the paper work once I calm dowm. I mean come on, this is genius!

Sarah Tate said...

Great idea :-)

I've joined

I'm on twitter @SarahTataAuthor

See you all around!

Myne said...

Thanks for putting this together, it's awesome!

Carol Riggs said...

Yay, okay. I'm in. This looks like a lot of fun, thanks Rach! :D

Yves Brown McClain said...

This is a great idea...looking forward to connecting with everyone!
BTW, I also love Angela's quote

Laura J. Moss said...

Can't wait to get started!

Anonymous said...

All signed up. Can't wait to get started! :)


Kim Mullican said...

I love this idea! I work 12 hour days so I will do all that I can, but I'm super excited!

CherylAnne Ham said...

Thanks for doing this. It sounds great. I just started blogging and have been looking for a way to meet others and get myself out there.
I'm in!

Nas said...

Hi to all my fellow Crusaders,

Please make sure you have your blog linked to your friend connect profile. Check by clicking on your floating head on the friend connect. If your photo is not linked then no one will not be able to follow you back!

Stasia said...

Thrilled I got in on time. This sounds like a blast. Looking forward to the fun!

Robyn Campbell said...

Whew. *pant* *gasp* I MADE IT. Can't wait. :)

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Rachel, what a wonderful idea! SO exciting... I'm in!

♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥

Michelle Merrill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Summerset said...

I'm in!! I'm glad there's still time to join!!

jys said...

Eep! I'm here to join!! =)

www.jolenestockman.com said...

I love this!!!! I am soooo in :) Thank you Rachael! Heading to the form...

Stephanie Humphreys said...

This is such a great idea. Count me in. Thanks for doing the work to make it happen.

KT said...

This sounds really interesting! Thank you for the opportunity!

Trisha said...

Okay, nindogs told me about this, and it sounds cool! :D So consider me signed up. I have yet to blog about it/Facebook it, but I will do!

Cally Jackson said...

This sounds like an absolutely fantastic idea. I'm new to the blogging world but have been writing (and re-writing, and then re-writing again) my first novel for a veery long time! Looking forward to connecting with other writers!

Cindy said...

Count me in and thanks for the opportunity.

Meredith McCardle said...

Please count me in!

Cherie Reich said...

Wow! I got in on the last day! Count me in. *runs off to fill in the form, tweet, blog, and Facebook about it*

WritingNut said...

This definitely sounds amazing... last day to join! Count me in :)

Brooke R. Busse said...

Oh! I didn't realize the deadline would be so soon! Good thing I came to check it out again!

Anonymous said...

I blogged, tweeted, and follow you on Twitter! I also subscribed via email to this blog! Can't wait to get rolling, and thanks so much for hosting!

digillette said...

I am joining the Crusade! Thank you for putting this together! This is exactly what writers need to do! Help each other!

Blogging at: www.digillette.com and www.conversingwithcats.com

Twitter: @digillette

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Ditto on joining your crusade. This is a great idea.

Kerri Cuev said...

How fun! What a great idea!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Akoss said...

I'm new to this and really want to join.
Google won't let me follow you but I will keep trying. Attached to this profile is my book review blog but I blog about my writing here:

Alison Miller said...

This sounds awesome! I just blogged about it too!

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