There will always been room for well-written books. Don't worry about trends, you can't control those @CA_Marshall
Don't have someone else send your subs for you: usually, they don't follow guidelines, which means automatic no... @Natalie_Fischer
New on the blog: Intern Tips, edited and consolidated. http://bit.ly/bSjAEy @SammyBina
From the archives: Advice for those pondering the "reassurance query" http://ow.ly/2O0QP @Kid_Lit
For those of you embroiled in editing your manuscripts: http://yfrog.com/6ta4bvnj
My blog readers have provided tons of great writing advice in the comments to today's post! Check it out: http://bit.ly/b99ANE @RachelleGardner
On writing:
Exhaustive list of sites and links from @HeatherKephart - Resources: Writing for Kids: http://bit.ly/bkW7Yy @jafhedlund
"Are there really that many people writing books out there?" Yes. But don't worry about that. blog.nathanbransford.com/2010/10/are-th… @NathanBransford
From the archives: The challenge of #writing what you can't. http://ow.ly/1WeBw @Kid_Lit
Ann Patchett on plot WSJ.com - The Primacy of Plot http://on.wsj.com/aB9mGW @jafhedlund
The elements of a Successful Series: http://scribechat.com/archives/2860 @gracefuldoe
6 THINGS YOU LOSE WHEN WRITING A NOVEL: http://stiryourtea.blogspot.com/2010/10/6-things-you-lose-when-writing-novel.html @thmafi
An writer's perspective on why it's a good idea to focus on a genre rather than jumping around: http://bit.ly/cbnvwG @RachelleGardner
How to Wow an Editor with Your Book http://ingridsnotes.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/how-to-wow-an-editor-with-your-book/ @AngelaPenaDahle
Keeping Ourselves & Our Stories as Pliable as Clay: http://bit.ly/9IMMiq @JodyHedlund
The Great Unsaid (A Study of Show vs. Tell): http://bit.ly/aVXtKS @jennwwrites
For writers: Learning by doing (or the importance of story arc) http://bit.ly/d5B5Ge @alexisgrant
The Dark Side of Writing http://nblo.gs/90Ks3 @ElanaJ
3 Ways to Have a Shot at a Best Seller http://bit.ly/clRCp0 (via @MichaelHyatt) @JodyHedlund
Planning for #NaNoWriMo? My latest Novel Design post: Plot Structure http://awe.sm/5BakP @iapetus999
Beginnings, Endings, and that Saggy Middle. What to do. http://awe.sm/5Bkrx @iapetus999
Social Media Savvy: The Art Of Making Others Feel Welcome http://bit.ly/atqyZB (via @KristenLambTX) @JodyHedlund
We talk a lot about #writerfail or #queryfail. What about #agentfail? http://bit.ly/djGA6o @wendylawton
In case you ever have to fire your agent - here's how: http://bit.ly/czrCe1 @RachelleGardner
Dealing with Rejection
Author Lindsey Lane on the rattle of rejection: http://bit.ly/9Qojb8 @CynLeitichSmith
Wow awsome! A warehouse full of tips.
Hi Rach, just to let you know my post on The Crusade is up. Let me know if I've left anything out,k. Thanks
Wow, thanks for all the tips Rach.
FWIW, I can't write before I've taken a shower and shaved. My muse rejects my scruffy, dirty form.
WOW - links galore! Have you actually read all of these?
And who would get someone else to send in their submissions? That's just WRONG.
I love these posts from you because I don't twitter, yet I can still go to their blogs and get great tips.
Thank you!!!
Thanks for the links! Some amazingly useful stuff! Awesome!!
Hey guys, great to hear from you.
@Grandpa, love your post, well done you! :)
@Kangaroobee, @Patricia, and @Colene, no probs at all. Glad you find them useful. I'll be running these tips every Thursday from now on.
@C.N., LOL!!!
@Ishta, I know, it's so wrong! Yep, I've read all the articles in the links, want to make sure they're useful before I pop them in my Twitter Tip Thursday list. And I'm learning so much ;)
I've given you a blog award, Rach, 'cause your blog is so great.
Cool links. I just wanted to let you know, I blogged about your crusade today on my blog.
Hey @Ishta, thanks for my award - so cool!!!
@Clarissa, great post, thanks for that. Did you want to become one of the Crusaders??? If so, I'll pop you in my Crusader sidebar :)
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