Cherry On Top Award
Tessa Quin (The Quest for a Literary Agent and BookAways)
Ishta Mercurio (Musings of a Restless Mind)
One Lovely Blog Award
Tessa Qui

Project Freya (Project Freya)
Quinn (Seeing, Dreaming…Writing)
Erica and Christy (Erica and Christy)
Melissa Gill (Melissa Getting Published)
Catherine Johnson (Kangaroobee’s Blog)
Jessica Stanford (Girl, Unpublished)
The Versatile Blogger Award
Tessa Quin (The

Happy 101 Award

Rachel Morgan (Rachel Morgan Writes)
Thank you so much you guys. You all rock!!!
Now, there are some "rules" for these Blog Awards (how fun is that!), and I'll pass them on here:
The Versatile Blogger Award Rules:
- Thank and link back to the person that gave you the award.
- Share seven things about yourself.
- Pass the award to fifteen bloggers that you think deserve it.
- Lastly, contact all of the bloggers that you’ve picked for the award.
- Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
- Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
- Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
- Thank the one who awarded it
- Answer a question: If I had the chance to go back and change one thing in my life, would I, and what would it be?
- Choose up to 6 people to pass on the award to!
- Thank the person who gave me the award.
- List ten things that I love.
- Pass the award on to (up to) six other people.
Congratulations on the awards. I am going to join your platform I just haven't posted the blog about it yet. I will do that this week and let you know when I do.
It is a great idea thanks for doing it.
Hi Pamela, thanks so much! Can't wait to have you on board the Crusade, just drop a comment in the original post (link in my sidebar) when you're ready to join :)
Wow, so many awards! You definitely deserve them all! Congrats!
Congratulations! If you were to put those onto your side bar for the number of times you've received them there'd be no space for anything else!
@Quinn, thanks so much, and thanks for giving me a couple too. Just wait til I pass them all on ;)
@Rachel, I know. It's taken me a while to work out what to do with them but...TA DA!!!...I found out how to put pages up the top of my blog. Erm, my head hurts now...
Congratulations!! Between that and the almost 100 followers you're on a roll! ^^
Good job, Rachael! All well deserved! I was going to give you a Lovely Blog award but I kept seeing all those awards rolling in for you and figured it would get lost in the shuffle! But you have it under control!! Awesome!
I wish I coulda been your 100th follower but alas, I'll have to settle for 99th. This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've been someone's 99th follower. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Oh, well.
Holy Crow! Look at all your awards! COngratulations!!!
Wow - you're so pretty and popular:) The cherry on top award is SO cute! *covet*
Congratulations, so many awards at once! You so deserve every one. Great blog Rach..:)
Thanks so much guys (*grins*).
@Marieke, ta for that. I might have to change my 100 follower contest into a 150 follower contest ;)
I'd never lose you in the shuffle @Megan :)
@KLM, Tee hee, I was someone's 99th follower the other day. Glad you still came on board.
@Melissa, Thanks :) I've been a bit slack though, should have put them up on receipt so the list didn't grow so long ;)
@Alexandra, it is cute, isn't it ;) And thanks for the compliment (*blushes*)
Thanks so much @L'Aussie. Really glad you've come on board.
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