I write stuff for kids...and muse on writing, children's books, and the publishing industry in general

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Rach Writes... Inaugural Writers’ Platform-Building Crusade (what fun!!!)


There are so many of us out there. Aspiring writers, beginner bloggers, industry peeps, even published authors, all who want to build their online platforms. We write insightful posts and articles, actively blog within the blogosphere, take part in challenges, competitions, and contests galore.

We have the passion and the drive to make it, but…we could do with a few more followers.

So, I started thinking. What if we link all these people together. What if we create a way to meet people in a similar position, people who genuinely want to help build our online platform while at the same time building theirs. People who want to pay it forward in the spirit of writerly writerness and blogging beautificity (and see it come back to them in turn)!!!

And here it is…

I’m kicking off the Rach Writes… Inaugural Writers’ Platform-Building Crusade.

How cool is that!!!

Let’s work it like this:
  1. Follow along with my site if you don’t already (I want to build my online platform too of course) :)
  2. Become a Crusader by leaving a comment to this post (include your blogging name and a link to your blog)
  3. Write about the Crusade on your blog and link back to this post
  4. Encourage your followers to come to Rach Writes… and join up (it will help them too!)
  5. Tweet about the Crusade, including a link to this post (http://bit.ly/9kMySK) and #WPBC1. Encourage re-tweets. I'm @RachaelHarrie if you want to follow me in the Twitterverse too
  6. Pop it on Facebook
  7. Generally, spread the word…
I’ll publish a list of all the Crusaders on Rach Writes..., and I’ll update the list as people join in on future Crusades.

And there it is. You’ll have a list of bloggers in the same position as you, who genuinely want to help you succeed. You can visit their sites, follow along with their blogs, leave comments galore, and share your highs and lows as you journey through the blogosphere and build your online platform. And they'll be doing the same for you.

Beats poaching any day!!!

I’ve got some Crusade Challenges and Blogfests planned, so let’s see how many people we can get onboard and make this an ongoing thing...

Jump on board the Writers' Platform-Building Crusade. Spread the word. Pay it forward. And have fun with your blogging!!!


Marieke said...

I'm in! :D

Marieke's Musings

I will blog about the Crusade in the course of tomorrow - for now I want to keep the MISTWOOD contest as top post. That ok? :)

Rachael Harrie said...

Cool Marieke, no probs at all. Am planning to run the Crusade for a week or so (maybe more depending on interest) before I put up the first Crusade list...

Great post by the way!!! :)

Marieke said...

Sounds great!

Thank you! ^^

Adina West said...

Oooh, I'm in! I love the 'pay it forward' concept too. Positive karma and all the rest of it.

You're inspiring me to add a few more posts too - next up will be one about your 'Crusade' of course.

Hope to 'virtually' meet lots of the other wonderful bloggers out there, and add a few followers to my site!


Blogging about writing commercial fiction, the search for an agent, and the long path to publication...

Rachael Harrie said...

Welcome on board Adina! Can't wait to read your posts :)

Lisa Potts said...

Hey, Rachael! I've got the post about the Crusade up on my blog now. Can't wait to meet everyone.


Rachael Harrie said...

Woohoo, welcome aboard Lisa!!! :)

Adina West said...

Hi Rach,

My post on Writers' Platform is up, with a link to your crusade:


erica and christy said...

Thanks Rach!

I've blogged about this here


Rachael Harrie said...

Cool post Christy!!! Fantastic to have you join in :)

Rachael Harrie said...

Welcome on board Catherine! :)

Christie Wright Wild said...

Awesome idea, Rachael. I blogged about it here: http://christiewrightwild.blogspot.com/2010/09/crusade-poem.html My blog is http://www.christiewrightwild.blogspot.com. I wrote a poem about it. I'm looking forward to THE LIST!!!

Christie Wright Wild said...

Oh, I forgot to mention the name of my blog is WRITE WILD.

Rachael Harrie said...

That's such a cool poem Christie!!! :) Welcome on board...

Julie Hedlund said...

Count me in! I'm a little swamped after the RMC SCBWI conference and way behind on critiques that I owe, so the post will probably come in a week or so. But I am excited to participate! My blog is Write Up My Life: http://www.writeupmylife.com

P.S. I am now following your blog!

Marieke said...

I've added a link to the crusade in my Medieval Monday posts! http://www.mariekenijkamp.com/musings/?p=257

And I finally installed Google Friend Connect, so I'm all excited about it now! ^^

Miss T said...

Count me in as a fellow Crusader! I posted about the crusade on my blog, which can be found at


Miles McG said...

Great idea, Rachael! You've earned a follow from me, and, as Rachel said, count me in too as a Crusader!

I just, in fact, posted a new post roughly twenty minutes ago on my blog, but tomorrow I'll be sure to blog about this fantastic oppurtunity (and great way to meet other bloggers!). :)

Here's my blog: http://milesmcg.blogspot.com/


Miles McG

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey Julie, Rachel, and Miles, welcome on board :)

Megan K. Bickel said...

Fabulous idea, Rach!! Count me in! I'm the "Write-at-home-Mom" at www.megankbickel.blogspot.com. I'm on Twitter @megankbickel. I'll blog about this in my post tomorrow! Very fun!

Bast said...

I'm in. I'll put a post up later today.

My blog is seeing, dreaming ... writing

The link is


Bast said...

Here's the link to my post about the crusade:


Rachael Harrie said...

Hey Quinn, great post. Welcome on board! :)

Megan K. Bickel said...

Got my post up about this:


Rachael Harrie said...

What a great post Megan. I really enjoyed reading it, particularly your comments about getting to know your fellow travellers in the online writing community. So true!!! :)

Lola Sharp said...

What a wonderful idea, especially for those that are still just getting their blogs started. :)

In November it'll be my one year blog anniversary, but for the first 3 months I was just doing it for nano with a couple friends, to keep each other posted on our progress and cheer each other on. I'd intended on taking it down in early January...but other writers started finding me. It wasn't until February of this year that I finally started visiting their blogs and posting for 'real' on mine. Since then, I've been lucky. A lot of wonderful writers have found me and become good friends in real life, all because of my blog. :)
Anyway, count me in...and I'll post about it on my blog later this week. It should drive some volume here. I've got awesome followers/friends.
I'm your newest follower/friend. :)

Make it a great day,

Lola Sharp said...

Oh, oops. *blushes*


Rachael Harrie said...

Hey Lola, welcome on board :) Love your blog and well done on your nearly-one-year anniversary. Can't wait to get to know you better. We're having our first Crusader Challenge next week, which will be heaps of fun!!! Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

Have only just caught up with this one, Rachael - though why, I don't know, since I subscribe to your blog already... Flaws in my system, obviously.

Can't write a blog post just now or I'll never get everything done, but can I still take part? Will blog at a little later date...


Rachael Harrie said...

No problems at all Katswhiskers, great to have you along :) Just pop another comment here with your link so we can check it out once you post :)

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

This is such a great idea, Rach, count me in.

I'll write post about it on Friday, since I need to work just now.

My blog is Wistful Wanderings (though I'm contemplating a name change) at http://alisonstevens.blogspot.com/

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

Hi Rachael, my post is up:


Have a great day!

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey Alison, welcome on board :)

Patricia A. Timms-McGehee said...

This is fun! Thanks!

I just put my post up on my blog, Simplicity in Volumes.


Have a great weekend!

Rachael Harrie said...

Hi Patricia, great post! Welcome on board :)

Jessica Stanford said...

What a great idea! Man I wish I had thought of it!
Here's my blog, if anyone's interested.

Jessica Stanford said...

I also added your link to Writer's Digest. We were discussing how to blog. Here is the link.
You may have to join if you want to see it-not sure.

Tessa Quin said...

Yeah, I just saw the reference. My eyes nearly popped out of excitement.

FYI, it's only a matter of time before Rach gets published ;)

Tessa Quin said...

And here I forgot to include my information! I'm definitely joining. I'll blog a reference after I go out to the bakery and bring back my Sunday haul.

I'm Tessa Quin. I have two blogs. My main blog is: http://www.tessyquin.blogspot.com/

I also have a blog where I write about giveaways and contests. This is not a blog where I actually need tons of followers, but it might interest you if you like taking parts in giveaways: http://bookaways.blogspot.com/

Rachael Harrie said...

@Jessica, great idea :)

@Tessa, great to have you along!!! (*blushes at your comment and wishes that could be true*) :)

Serena said...

Count me in! Great idea sweetie, i dont habe twitter but ill defo post and place a special Facebook status!

Oh yeah my page is http://blackrosesee.blogspot.com

Rachael Harrie said...

Cool blog Serena!!! Great to have you along :)

thelmaz said...

Terrific idea. I'm in. ThelmaZ

Tessa Quin said...

Rachael, maybe you should have a direct link to this post in your sidebar? It would be easier to find for those of us who can't stop checking out the comments ;) The "Link List" addon should do the trick.

Rachael Harrie said...

Wonderful idea Tessa, have added it now :)

I'm working through the Crusader list as well to add that in a new blog roll on my site (have had a few blog issues I've had to deal with the last couple of days, but all sorted now I think). I'll be able to send the word document with everyone's URL details to any of you who want to add your own Crusader blog rolls to your sites - that will make it easier for everyone to stay in touch ;)

Julie Hedlund said...

Better late than never, here is my blog post about the crusade: http://wp.me/pIkHt-PH

A Pen In Neverland: Angela Peña Dahle said...

Ah. Will blog about it tomorrow in my bloomability post! Will post link later. In the meantime I have a link to it on FB, a tweet about it. All that is left is to leave my links. You have a pretty good idea though.

A Pen In Neverland
Angela Peña Dahle

A Pen In Neverland: Angela Peña Dahle said...

Finally, and...drumroll...here's the link to my post:


Faith said...

Count me in! My blog post is here: http://boughanfire.com/2010/09/wanna-build-a-platform/

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey @Angela and @Faith, welcome on board!!! Great to have you along. I've added you to the Crusader List on my sidebar, so go for your life meeting the other Crusaders. First Crusader Challenge coming on Friday - hooray! :)

Rachael Harrie said...

Hi ThelmaZ, welcome :)

Christie Wright Wild said...

When do you plan on sharing the GIANT list with everyone? When does the crusade end?
p.s. Not to be snooty, but how come you're getting more followers than me? ;) Wink, wink. Luv ya!

Christie Wright Wild said...

Oh, duh. Just saw your comment and the sidebar of links.

Rachael Harrie said...

@Christie (*grins*)

Su said...

I'm slow-moving, but this is a great idea. Here's the link to my post:


Rachael Harrie said...

Hey Su, welcome. Will add you to the sidebar of Crusaders :)

Anonymous said...

Hello. Your crusade sounds like such a neat idea that I'm making a return to blogging after a nearly two-year absence.

My post about The Crusade (I just love typing that) is here: http://chicklit1028.wordpress.com/2010/10/04/in-which-the-prodigal-returns-home-and-joins-a-crusade/

Looking forward to this!

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey Chicklit, welcome on board. I've added your name to the Crusader blog roll. Hope you join in our First Crusader Challenge :)

Denise Covey said...

Hi Rachael.Great idea. Thanks for doing it.

I'm a joiner!

L'Aussie at


I'll post/tweet about it after the weekend.

Join me on twitter if you want, anyone...


Unknown said...

Sounds fun, http://caroleannecarr.blogspot.com - love to join in..


Rachael Harrie said...

Hey L'Aussie and Carole, welcome to the Crusade. I've added your names to my sidebar so people can check you out. Can't wait to read your posts on the Crusade, and I'll see you round the blogosphere :)


Karen Jones Gowen said...

Great idea! I can definitely get on board with this. However I'm leaving town tomorrow and won't be online. But I'm following you now and will keep in touch with other crusades.

Grandpa said...

Hi Rachael, just read about this fantastic idea of yours over at L'Aussie. I would love to join.

I started this blog three months ago:


Rachael Harrie said...

@Karen, great to hear you're interested, and thanks for following. I wasn't sure if you do want to become a Crusader or not (guidelines for doing so in the above post). So I'll hold off on adding you to the blogroll at this stage, but drop me another comment when you get back if you want and I can add you in :)

@Grandpa, welcome on board. I've added you to the Crusader blogroll. Can't wait to read your post about the Crusade and I hope you have fun getting to know the other Crusaders :)

Unknown said...

Hi, Rachel. Great idea you have here.

My name is Clarissa Draper and my blog is Listen to the Voices. (It's a blogger blog.)


Not sure I have a whole post available for awhile but I can definitely add a wonderful spot for you on my Friday post.


Private said...

Hi Rachel! Count me in! I've already tweeted it and I'll plug this in a blog post soon, and fb is soon as well:) Great idea!

DL Hammons said...

Count me in!! Great idea! :)

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey @Clarissa, @Alexandra, and @DL, welcome on board the Crusade. Great to have you along. I'm adding you to my sidebar now, so pop on over and meet your fellow Crusaders, they're such a great bunch of people! Can't wait to read your posts :)


Jenny Beattie said...

This is such a great idea. I'd love to join in. My blog is here. I blog about living in Thailand and writing.

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey Jenny, welcome on board! I'll pop you in the sidebar, have fun meeting all the other Crusaders. Let us know when you post your piece on the Crusade and give us a link if you could so we can all check it out :)


Hart Johnson said...

HA! I'm your 100th follower! (do I win?) *snicker* I followed Alexandra over and this is a great idea. Definitely passing it on:

(Confessions of a Watery Tart)

Jenny Beattie said...

Thanks Rachael, my blog post is up here today. Thanks for having me along. Jenny

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea, Rach! I'm in. Will follow you here and on Twitter (@charlwrites) and post on my blog shortly.

Helen said...

I've just read about this on Jenny Beattie's site. I would definitely like to take part. My blog is www.helenredfern.wordpress.com and I'll blog about it later this morning. Great idea.

Helen said...

Well I've blogged about it. Great to be involved.

Marieke said...

I have just updated my blogroll will all the new crusaders. And I think I'm following everyone. If I did miss someone, please let me know!

(I said the same thing on my blog, but I don't think everybody's following me, so not everyone may read it? :) )

Amanda said...

What fun ... I will blog about it a.s.a.p. :-)


Rachael Harrie said...

Woot! So many new Crusading peeps :) It's really great to meet you guys.

I've popped over to all your blogs to say hi and follow along, and your deets are now in the List of Crusaders page up the top of my blog. Stop by their blogs and meet your fellow Crusaders when you have a chance, they're such an awesome bunch of people! I hope you can all take part in the Second Crusader Challenge, they're heaps of fun :)

Can't wait to get to know you all better.


Karen said...

What a great idea. I'm all for a spot of crusading!

I write a blog called Get On With It and have found it brilliant for sharing, motivating (myself mostly), ranting, debating and generally getting to 'know' other writers.

Hope to meet more of you :o)

Rachael Harrie said...

Hi Karen, great to have you on board :) I'll add you to my List of Crusaders, so pop around and meet them when you have time. Can't wait to read your post, drop us a link here if you have a chance.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a fab idea! I'm exploring different genres at the moment, but I guess I lean towards realistic fiction.

I've got a blogfest coming up on the theme of lost and found and another called through the keyhole next month... :O)

Sarah*G* said...

This is a great idea. I have recently started writing again after a very long hiatus. (I blame moving to another country but that is a poor excuse!)
I've started a new writing blog which can be found here http://wordsinwriteorder.blogspot.com/ I wanted it to be separate from my Expat blog I have going. It feels good to be writing again.

PT Writer said...

This is a good idea! I'd love to be part of it.

I'm Rebecca and my blog is



Rachael Harrie said...

Hey @Madeline, @Sarah, and @Rebecca. Welcome on board. I've added you to the List of Crusaders, great to have you with us ;)


Rachael Harrie said...

@Madeleine, oops, spelled your name wrong sorry. Your blog fests sound like fun, will check them out :)


Gary Baker said...

Great idea - I tend to use by blog as a relief from writing through the use of sophisticated, insightful and sagacious buffoonery. (Well, my 12 year old critic thinks some of them are funny .. okay, she thinks ONE of them is funny.)

I know I should use the blog as a platform etc etc.

Find me at http://gary-baker.blogspot.com
and Twitter @garybak ... and somewhere on Facebook ... I'll try to find my password ...

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey Gary, welcome on board. Sounds like your critic is extremely honest with you :) I'll pop your name on the List of Crusaders, stop by and leave us a link when you've got your post about the Crusade up :)

Hope you can take part in the Second Crusader Challenge - now off and running!


Unknown said...

Just thought I would add my name to the list. Unfortunately, I do not have a blog...would not even begin to know what to "blog" about. But, hey, I share the same dream as everyone else...to become a published author, and maybe find some cool friends along the way.

I started up my writing again after 20 years hiatus. I would love to know how to get story ideas, how to get into the children's book market, how to even write a novel develop character and plot), and even better my writing. I'm looking for some motivation, friends, and critiques to help better my writing. However, I have plenty of sparks, just not enough fuel.

If you can believe it, I actually got my college degree in English with a Writing Concentration (equivalent to a Journalism degree). I was never afforded the opportunity to expand on creativity. I feel so inept and sometimes it gets me down. I make sure when that happens I keep telling myself that I'm writing for myself. But then, there is that little piece of me that wants someone to read it and like it.

@I_Am_LadyJai on Twitter
LadyJai Dement on Facebook

kar_took said...

This is a fab idea, I love how supportive the blogosphere is and being part of an online community.

I'm Kar_Took, I blog at http://kartook.blogspot.com/ on my life, my writing, my study and some of the books I read.

I'll do my post about the Crusade tomorrow, for now it 5.17 pm in Scotland and I'm about to leave my lovely warm office to go out in the rain and wait on a bus.

Looking forward to being a Crusader. Ciao x

Mary Mary said...

I really like your idea. I think it will work. Here's my info:

The Random Book Review -- http://www.therandombookreview.blogspot.com

I post as Mary Mary, and since I have a post going out tomorrow, I'll give a shout out to the Crusade!

Rachael Harrie said...

@LadyJai, welcome! I see you've just set up a blog, great idea. Something tells me you'll get heaps of followers in a very short time, go the Crusade! ;)

I think you've made a great start already, just getting involved in the online community has helped me immensely. Watch out for my Twitter Tip Thursday, where I share useful writing links. And most of the Crusaders write posts that will help you with your writing, so check them out too :)

Rachael Harrie said...

@Kar_Took, great you can join my Crusade. We've got so many wonderful people on board, a bit of a community within a community! Can't wait to check out your Crusade post. Hope you can take part in the Second Crusader Challenge :)

@Mary Mary, thanks so much. We're getting close to 45 Crusaders already (woot!) :) Can't wait to read your Crusader post, and I hope you'll join in the Challenge as well :)

The Sisterhood said...

Hi Rachel!

This is Lorena. I saw your post at Jody Hedlund's blog (the one on how to generate traffic). I think this is a wonderful idea and would love to include my group blog in the crusade.


We are the Writing Sisterhood, four dedicated writers with a passion for the craft and an interest in networking with other writers. Please come and visit us!

Rachael Harrie said...

Hi Lorena, welcome on board :) I'll pop your group blog in the List of Crusaders, so head around and introduce yourself. The Crusaders will love to meet you. Can't wait to read your post - you're in time for the Crusader Challenge too if you want to take part :)


The Sisterhood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Sisterhood said...

Rachel, thank you for your support to all the new bloggers!

DL Curran said...

Hi Rach! So I've come back here about a thousand times but didn't want to commit without getting my time under control. Since it doesn't look like that's EVER going to happen more than it is already (~accepting defeat~), can I still join up to meet everyone? (I'm going on a 5 week holiday next month and into December but I'll still be planning to drop into bloggy world so I won't be completely gone). Will that work? Or no? Regardless - this is just a fabulous idea! And I love the pay it forward side of it! :)

Sarah Evans said...

I'm in too please!

Sarah Evans

Rachael Harrie said...

@Sisterhood gals, no problems at all. Love doing my little bit to pay it forward :)

@Debbie, great you can join in. I'll pop your deets on the List of Crusaders, so head on round and start introducing yourself :)

@Sarah, welcome on board. As with DL, I'll add you to the Crusader List so you can start going around and meeting people - the Crusaders are all wonderful :)

Everyone, don't forget to drop back here and leave us a link to your Crusader post, so we can all go check it out.

The Weed said...

Um, I just spent about four hours getting all tasks done for this as well as for the contest. Here's to hoping you'll still count me in, even if you're not on the Pacific Coast ;-)

The link to my post!

This whole idea is genius. Thanks for getting it started!

Golden Eagle said...

I'd love to join in on the Crusade, and I hope that you'll count me in. I posted about it here:


Rachael Harrie said...

@The Weed, great to have you on board!!!

@Golden Eagle, woot, glad you can join us :)

Anonymous said...

Hi all, sounds like a great idea. My link is http://stephentremp.blogspot.com/

Rachael Harrie said...

Hi @Stephen, thanks so much. Welcome on board, I'll add you to the List of Crusaders now, so pop round and meet everyone when you have a chance. Can't wait to see your post about the Crusade, and looking forward to getting to know you better :)


Laura Rafferty said...

I've decided to join, this looks fab! I will be writing a blog very very soon when I am more caffienated (is that a word, and did I spell it right?!) and awake! Have already had a peep at other's blogs and they look fantastic!

Here's my blog: pleaseinsertadjectivehere.blogspot.com

Danielle Ellison said...

This is a really great idea! I can't believe no one's thought of it until now!

I mentioned this in my blog post today, but I will write a more in depth post in a couple days!

I'm a blogger and a writer, if that matters.

my blog: frenzyofnoise.blogspot.com

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey @tuncerni and @Danielle, welcome on board. Great to have you along :)


Kari Marie said...

This is awesome. Sign me up.

I'm a novice writer (working on my first novel) and a new blogger.

Here's a link to my post:

My blog is: www.Karimariewhite.blogspot.com

The Blogger Formerly Known As said...

What a fabulous idea. If it’s not too late, I’d love to become a Crusader.

I’ve just slipped a link into my sidebar, and will certainly mention you in a future posting! I look forward to getting to know you all.

The Blogger Formerly Known As
The enigmatic, masked blogger

Amie Kaufman said...

What a fantastic idea! I'm at:

Amie Kaufman

My next blog post is due Tuesday -- I'll link to the crusade!

Rachael Harrie said...

Hey @Kari, @BFKA (that's a mouthful, but love it! :) ), and @Amie. Great to have you on board, I'll add you to the List of Crusaders. You've come in at the tail-end of the Crusade, but make sure you keep an eye out for my Second Crusade next year, I'd love you to join and get the full benefit of the Crusade :) In the meantime, check out the List of Crusaders - the people who joined later are at the end, so perhaps start at the bottom of the list and work your way upwards if you want to make contact with peeps :)


L.A. Colvin said...

Hey Rach,

I know it's too late this year but I'm hoping to get on the band wagon for 2011. This is just what I need. I'm brand spanking new to writing and blogging. There are so many helpful people out there it just blows me away. Thanks for doing this.

Heres my info.


my blogs name is:

First draft on Life, Literature and Lunacy

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