I just wanted to break this long blogging silence to say hello to all you beautiful people out there. I've missed you all so much (more than I can say, actually!). How are you? What have you been up to - any exciting news? I can't wait to squee along with you!
Thanks to all of you who've dropped comments and sent me emails to check how I'm going and make sure everything is all right. I'm doing well, just needed to take some time to recuperate and recharge my batteries and concentrate on my family for a bit - I'm hoping that my break from writing and social media will make my work in the future even stronger :)
Guess what...I may have some exciting news (of the Campaign variety) to announce shortly, so stay tuned!!!
Can't wait to hear from you all.
Big hugs,
Welcome back, Rach! Great to have you back in the blogosphere. Exciting news, hey??? ;-)
PS OMG, your blog has installed captcha!!! Pretty sure you hate it as much as I do!!!
Ta Hon, have turned it off now :) Lovely to hear from you. I know, right ;)
Hey!!! Welcome back. :-)
Big news on my end is that I sold Doorways to a publisher. *squee!*
Wondered where you'd gone - yours was one of the first blogs I followed when I discovered this amazing new world.
Welcome back, fellow dragon collector!
I have news - my debut fantasy novel, The Prince's Man, releases next week and it already has two 5 star reviews!
SO excited!
Welcome back!
I was wondering where you disappeared to.
Hurrah! I've kept you in my RSS feeder hoping you'd return online... I've had a lot of people ask me about the Campaign that I'd participated in before.
I can't wait to read the news about it! Welcome back!
Well hi there!!! Nice to hear from you, Rach. So glad you are taking a break and recharging the ol' batteries; we all need that sometimes. I've just been revising my agented novel, and I finished my WIP, woo! Now I'm revising the WIP and making it stronger (or trying to). :) Take care, and hope to see you around sometime again!
Welcome back, lady! So glad your back and recharged. We've missed you. I look forward to your exciting news.
So glad to see you grace my email box/blog list again!
Oooh, can't wait to hear the news. Welcome back, Rachael!
Missed you, Rach! (Hugs) Welcome back.
Waiting impatiently . . . love seeing your post.
Hey! Glad to see you dipping your toes into things a bit. I can certainly understand the need to take a break.
On my own end, been working on self-publishing items and on a few things I'd like to query.
I look forward to hearing your great news :-)
Yay, glad you're peeking your head back out. :-)
It's so weird, it was completely random that I stopped by your blog today and here you are back in the saddle. I only pulled up your site because I wanted to make sure I had your URL correct to give you a tiny shout out in my post today. It's here if you want to see it: http://jocelynrish.com/content/tweet-tales-tuesday-week-79
Welcome back!
Welcome back ! So ready for a campaign !
Hey, RACH!!!
Man, I have thought of you SO often.... We go WAY, WAY, back...
SO happy to see you here in the blogosphere again!
Saw you recent post. YAY!! But I wanted to comment on this one first. I had seen this a few days ago, but I was so busy getting ready for my cover reveal... I hope you can drop by to see it!!!!
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