A reminder not to forget to visit Write Dreams, the online charity auction being run by my good friends Marieke, Luna, and Amanda. There's critiques (partial and full), ARCs, books, mystery boxes, and a huge swag of other prizes to bid on, and days yet to run on the auction. And all proceeds will be donated to Donna's Dream House. Can't wait to see you all over there - and watch out, cause I'm bidding too :)
Oh. My. Gosh! I never win things. This is so cool! Thanks so much Mr. Random number generator.
And Rachael!
And Brooke!
congrats to Kelley!!
Congratulations to the winner!
Congrats to the winner...
Hi, Rach, I mentioned your coming Platform Building Campaign in my post yesterday. Sigh, wish I could be part of it, but am looking forward to the August one if you do it again.
Congrats Kelley!!! :)
Racheal: I loved "The Clockwork Giant" by Brooke Johnson, and so did my husband. This will be a classic someday. It was very well-written. I'm looking forward to her next one.
Hi, Rach, I mentioned your coming Platform Building Campaign in my post yesterday. Sigh, wish I could be part of it, but am looking forward to the August one if you do it again.
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
Efek Samping Dari Vaksinasi Kanker Rahim
Gaya Bercinta Yang Banyak Di Gemari Pasangan
Cara Membuat Wasir Agar Tidak Kambuh Lagi
Meredakan Migrain Dengan Bercinta
Rahasia Kulit Bersih Sehat Sepanjang Hari
Obat Penyakit Kebas Alami
Vitamin Penambah Nafsu Makan Anak Dan Dewasa
Obat Kolesterol Paling Ampuh Dan Mujarab
Solusi Yang Tepat Dalam Menghilangkan Keputihan
Solusi Untuk Menghilangkan Diabetes Melitus
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