I'll be having two Campaigns this year, one beginning in February and the other in August (after WriteOnCon). However, this coming Campaign in February will be a mini-Campaign and will only run until mid-March (one month). I'll be setting up a List of Campaigners so you can meet each other, and I'll run one or two Campaigner Challenges and a Campaigner Notice-Board. That will be about it. Then the main Campaign will be in August.
Sounds good, I hope :)
The Fourth Campaign will begin on Monday, February 6th, so make sure you come back then and sign up. Can't wait to see you all on board!
I won't be joining in this one, Rach, but wishing you a successful fourth campaign. :)
Love the challenges. Since this is a mini, maybe I can squeeze it in.
Oh decisions! I might be traveling in Aug. I'll know nearer time. Don't want to miss it!
One mini campaign and one longer campaign sounds like a great compromise. I look forward to the one coming in February :-)
Sounds fabulous!
sounds good to me! can't wait :)
love the idea of mini! looking forward to it =)
thanks for being such a great hostess!
Since I have a book coming out next month and I'm a co-host for the A to Z Challenge, I won't be able to participate this time.
Great idea hon :D Looking forward to both of them.
Awesome! I look forward to it, and meeting new people, and participating this time! Just let me know if you need any help. :)
That works! By the way, on your Campaign tab it says April for the end of the first one, FYI. Have fun!
I'm glad you decided to do it. I'm looking forward to it. Let me know if you need help. :)
Hey, Rach,
I see you worked it out. This is a terrific solution. I might be able to this one and I am so in for the main one in August.
Have a great week!
OH boy...I have two blogfests I'm participating in during February. This one will be the biggest though so the sooner you let us know dates...the better.
I think this is a wonderful solution. I look forward to the next Campaign. :)
So looking forward to doing this for the first time; and it will be perfect to start with the "mini campaign."
That sounds like a GREAT plan! Thanks for doing this Rach!
Hooray! I love the campaigns, it's such a great community :)
Sounds great, Rach! I can't wait. :)
I don't think I'll have time for this one. But I'm all up for joining up again in August. :-)
<3 Gina Blechman
Oh what a great idea. Sure I can manage for a month. Can't wait. Will pass the good news on. Offer of help still stands :)
Sounds awesome! :)
Thanks so much for all your comments, guys!
@Michael - I've popped the dates in my page up the top of my blog - the Campaigner Challenges will start on Monday Feb 20 and Monday March 5, and the Campaign will end on March 17 :)
Good luck with the Campaign! I bet it'll be a good one this year (both of them :)
Can't wait! Count me in=)
Yep, I may have to give this one a miss too, but I can't wait to see what you do for it. :)
Hi Rach,
Looking forward to Mini and Major :)
PS... Can we pull the badge now to use for promoting or have to wait until the Campaign begins?
@Mark, awesome! Yep, feel free to pull the badge now if you want. I'll be including it in my official post on Feb 6 as well :)
Really would love to participate in this one Rachael, but I have too much on my plate. I had so much fun last fall. Will join the next one.
I'll be here :-)
Despite the fact that I may be piling too much on my virtual plate, I can't bear the thought of being left out! So I will be there!
I think it's a wonderful compromise. Can't wait for it to start!!
That's an awesome compromise Rach. Let me know if you need me to help!
Great idea! Will there be major differences, other than the amount of time/number of challenges?
Yay! I've been waiting and waiting for this. Should be awesome!
cant believe i missed this announcement! thanks!
I just spotted this - I am so joining!! Yay for following you on Google Plus! :)
I'll admit I'm a little worried about getting behind on this, but I'm giving it a go anyway.
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
Efek Samping Dari Vaksinasi Kanker Rahim
Gaya Bercinta Yang Banyak Di Gemari Pasangan
Cara Membuat Wasir Agar Tidak Kambuh Lagi
Meredakan Migrain Dengan Bercinta
Rahasia Kulit Bersih Sehat Sepanjang Hari
Obat Penyakit Kebas Alami
Vitamin Penambah Nafsu Makan Anak Dan Dewasa
Obat Kolesterol Paling Ampuh Dan Mujarab
Solusi Yang Tepat Dalam Menghilangkan Keputihan
Solusi Untuk Menghilangkan Diabetes Melitus
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