We started blogging
We made character sketches
We attended WriteOnCon
We outlined (or not)
We found each other as critique partners
We wrote and wrote and wrote
We ripped our WIPs to shreds and glued them back together
We blogged more
And we wrote
And we plotted!
You've all seen our teasers, the something that's coming from far away to shake up the blogosphere. Now, at long last, something is here. Something x 3.
We're happy, excited, and thrilled to announce our Trilogy Contest. Your chance to win one of a gigantic stack of amazingly awesome prizes.
And here they are*:
3 x query or synopsis (max. 2 pages) critiques (winner's choice)
3 x first 300 words critiques
3 x first 3 pages critiques
3 x first 30 pages critiques
*For the picture book writers, I'll convert any of the above prizes into a picture book critique! And if you win a 30 page critique, I'll critique 3 of your picture book wips instead!!!
Rather have a book? We've thought about that too! If more than 50 people enter the Trilogy Contest, we'll share some of our favorites/dying to reads.
So Marieke will give away a copy of... The Mockingbirds
Tessa will give away a copy of... Unearthly
And I will give away a copy of... Across The Universe
To enter, you need to be a follower of each of Marieke, Tessa's, and my blogs. You'll also need to fill out this form.
The Trilogy Contest will end on January 31 and winners will be randomly drawn and announced the following week (only one prize per person). We'll be giving extra entries to those who blog, tweet, or otherwise spread the word about the Contest. Just copy your links into the form (Of course, you can pop back anytime and fill out this bonus form to add extra points for additional blogs/tweets etc. But only after you filled in the original form, just so our heads won’t ‘splode with all the extra maths
'Cause you guys rock, there'll be an additional +10 entries for everyone who's a follower of all our blogs before January 11, so get in quick and follow along if you haven't already. And spread the word so your friends can have a chance as well.
Bet you thought we were finished. Well, we're not!!! We're throwing in a special bonus. For each of us that gets to 300 followers, we'll donate a $30 Amazon gift card to a random contest entrant who is also a follower of our blog.
Is that fantastic or what! You may have noticed a little Trilogy theme here, more on that later...
For now, let the fun begin...
Wow...what a contest!
exciting! I heard about this through J.C. and popped right on over.
Wow! What a fabulous contest!!! I have one going on for my thousand followers and anniversary but this is equally kick ass! I'll be tweeting!
Great contest guys. Good luck getting to 300 followers.
Wow what a HUGE contest! Awesome! Thanks for the chance!
Woo-hoo, this is COOL!!!! :D
Great to meet you! And look, I'm your 200th follower!! *throws confetti* Looking forward to getting to know you better :))
Wow! very impressive set o' prizes there! great contest! I'll come back and form it when I've done the promoting bit so I know what I'm talking about (and by bit, I don't mean bit... silly Aussies and their innuendo)
Very nice contest ladies!! Christy
Yay! Sounds great! Now where's that entry form??? :)
Awesome contest for the New Year. Catherine
Whoa! Excited to enter, and to meet all three of you!
This is awesome! I'm offering a contest as well if anyone is interested: www.writinginwonderland.blogspot.com
Awesome contest! Thanks for the opportunity =D
How have I not found this blog until now? The contest is great, but I'm also excited about the Crusader idea. Looks like you promise to get it started again in 2011- I hope so! Off to check out the other crusaders.
Wow this is fantastic!!! off to tweet now too. :0)
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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