We have the passion and the drive to make it, but…we could all do with a bit of support.
So I started thinking. What if we link all these people together? What if we create a way to meet people in a similar position, people who genuinely want to help build our online platform while at the same time building theirs? People who want to pay it forward in the spirit of writerly writerness and blogging beautificity (and see it come back to them in turn).
And so, my Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign was born.
What is the Campaign?
Basically, the Campaign is a way to link those of us in the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Campaigners are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others' online platforms while at the same time building theirs.
As the Campaign kicks off, you'll have the names and blog addresses of the Campaigners on my List of Campaigners page (above), so you can keep in touch with the other Campaigners. That way you’ll have a list of bloggers in the same position as you, who genuinely want to help you succeed. And you'll be able to meet those who have the most in common with you. You can visit their blogs and other places they haunt, follow along, leave comments galore, and share your highs and lows as you journey through the blogosphere and build your online platform. And they'll be doing the same for you.
If you want to find out a bit more about past Campaigns, check out the info I've included here.
The Team
This year I have a fantastic group of people who've volunteered to help me out with the Campaign. For the Fourth Campaign, the core Campaign Team comprises myself, Michael Offutt, K.T. Hanna, Ozlem Yikici, and Steph Schmidt, and others will be helping us out in other respects too. I'd love it if you could make your way around and follow all these awesome people, and maybe even leave a comment to say thanks for their time and effort. I'll be including all the fabulous volunteers' links in relevant posts as the Campaign progresses.
Key Dates
- This Fourth Campaign will be a mini-Campaign, and will run from today until Saturday, March 17, 2012.
- The List of Campaigners will close on Wednesday, February 15th, so make sure you sign up before then.
- The First Campaigner Challenge will begin on Monday, February 20th and end on Saturday, February 25th.
- The Second Campaigner Challenge will begin on Monday, March 5th and end on Saturday, March 10th.
Organized Campaign Events
During the Campaign:
- I'll be running the two Campaigner Challenges I mentioned above.
- each Friday I'll post a Campaigner Notice-Board, where you can announce blogfests, book launches, things you'd like to share with your other Campaigners, etc etc. You'll need to send me the information in advance, and I've made up a form to make things easier. If you want me to include your details in this Friday's post (February 10th), please fill out this form.
- there will be lots of Twitter-talk at #writecampaign, so make sure you jump in and take part to meet, get to know, and encourage your fellow Campaigners.
As in the Third Campaign, I'm also asking for people who'd like to volunteer to judge the Campaigner Challenges and/or donate a prize (you can tell me your preference in the form I'll be asking you to fill out below).
How to join?
If you’d like to join the Fourth Campaign, here’s what you’ll need to do:
- follow me if you haven't already, so you can check out the Campaigner Notice-Board on Fridays and take part in Campaigner Challenges
- comment on this post, to let the other Campaigners know you’ll be coming on board
- blog about the Campaign to help spread the word (include a link to this post and encourage your followers to join)
- tweet about the Campaign if you're on Twitter, and include a link to this post. Follow me here if you wish
- pop a link to this post on Facebook (if you’re a Facebook fan) and/or on Google Plus if that's your favorite haunt. Or anywhere else you hang out, it's up to you. My links to Facebook, Google Plus, and LinkedIn are on my sidebar if you want to find me there
- and fill out this form.
And then?
Once you’ve joined the Campaign:
- go to my List of Campaigners page and put your name down for a Campaigner Group (or more than one if you want to get to know more people)
- pop round and introduce yourself to some or all the Campaigners in your Campaigner Group. If you wish, pop round to some or all of the other Campaigners and introduce yourself as well
- follow some or all of the Campaigners in your Campaigner Group(s) (and others if you wish). Due to the size of the Campaign, there's no need to follow all Campaigners!!!
- put the Campaign badge on your sidebar and link it back to my Writers' Platform-Building Campaign page above
- keep an eye out for posts/comments/tweets by other Campaigners (and particularly those in your Campaigner Group) and do your best to comment on as many as you can, as often as you can. Also consider following your fellow Campaigners on Twitter and liking them on Facebook, mentioning their blog posts and re-tweeting their tweets, and otherwise supporting them
- get to know your fellow Campaigners at #writecampaign on Twitter
- join in my Campaigner Challenges if you wish (you don't have to, of course). They're a great way to get to know other Campaigners and have fun at the same time.

1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»oh wow, it's happening again! How cool! It's such a great campaign.
Aw, yeah, can't wait to do this! Just wish I didn't have to jet off to work right now so I could blog about it. XD
Can't wait to participate again!
Rach, I'm so flippin' excited! :)
Filling out as much of the form as I can before I go to bed. Will blog about when I get up in the morning, and then submit the form with the URL link. ^^
Yay! Another campaign! So totally taking part :-)
Can't wait to participate again this year. Always great fun.
I've been waiting for this since last year! And I even blogged about it last Wednesday!
I can't wait to meet all you really cool people!
oh def.in for another campaign - such fun!
Looking forward to the challenges.
Awesome! Glad you're doing this again! Thank you!
I can't wait to get involved and meet the other campaigners!
This is exactly what I need to take my mind off work (the bad kind that pays the bills) and exactly what I don't need to take my mind off work (the good kind where I write a sequel to my novel)
Can't wait.
After seeing the platform badge on many of the blogs I follow or on ones I visit infrequently I was tempted to join.
I'm so excited to participate in my first writers campaign!
Michelle Pickett
Thanks Rachael for hosting this again! Count me in!
Christy Farmer
Wonderful! I loved participating before, so here I am, once again.
Let the campaigning fun begin :)
I'm new to this, but... I'm in! = )
I'm in!
YAY! This is such a great opportunity. Thanks for all you do for the writerly community!! Count me in!
Yay! Super stoked to participate in this again!
Very excited!!
I'm in. Huzzah.
I'm in! Thanks to you and your team for organizing this.
I'm in. This will be my second Campaign.
This is going to be so much FUN!
HURRAY!! I'm so glad to get to participate in this again, though I wish the mini-campaign was in the fall, because then it wouldn't interfere with NaNo prep. But oh well.
but yay for #writecampaign! :D
I am totally on board! :D
Ooh this sounds exciting! Always great to meet new people! I'm definitely up for some challenges
This will be my second year! Count me in!
Thank you for hosting this Campaign!! I cannot wait to get home tonight and spread the word!!
Signed up. Will try to keep up, but with A to Z preps going on I may get sidetracked as I sure you well know how that goes.
Thanks, Rachael
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
I'm on board again- hopefully I do a bit better this time! (Not going to join as many groups!)
I'm all in! So excited for the abbreviated version. I might be able to handle it a bit better this time. :)
Yay! Your campaigns are great, Rachel! Unfortunately I'm running an agent contest next week w/ promos so I can't blog about it until later this week. Hope that's okay??
Yay! Can't wait for another round of fun. I'll blog about it in my Friday post :-)
Time to hit the Campaign trail, hooray! (I still miss being a Crusader though.)
I'm totally in!
Definitely joining of course. I'll blog about it tomorrow as today was a blogfest thingy.
Hoorah! We're doing it twice. :)
Very cool - I'm in!!
Hi! Goodness knows where I was last year when your Campaigns were running (on the Dark Side of the Moon probably). I'm here now, though, and I'd love to participate. Just one thing (hope you notice this) - I wrote on my form I'd be happy to help out with the first Campaign. I can't because I'm away then - but I'll help out with the second, no problem!
I'm in!! Can't wait. :)
looking forward to it =)
I'm excited for a new campaign. It's great to have a blogging refresher.
Looking forward to being a part of this. :)
Ohhh... thanks so much for this... I'm a new blogger myself and want to connect with other people like me trying to have a voice in this business. You rock, Rach!
I just remembered I forgot to comment here. Thanks for doing this. It's awesome!
Cheers for organising this - off to introduce myself to some of the people in my group now :-)
So excited to get back to campaigning! I'm in!
This sounds like such a great idea! I'll read more and look forward to hearing more and likely participating
Wow. This is amazing. One finishes and another one begins!
Wahoo! I'm in!
Happy to be here again! I'm in! :)
So excited!
I'm joining the fun too!
I'm new to this, but it looks like fun! So, count me in.
I'm in. Have heard great things about this. Can't wait to see what's in store!
I joined last the campaign, signed up and began blogging and posting away but then life pooed on me and I had to stop. :(
Hopefully, I'll see it through to the end this time. I want mainly to "meet up" with other chick lit writers. They seem to be lacking!!
Count me in, signed up, done. Looking for more thriller / suspense writers on the list.
Excellent! I am definitely in and way more prepared this time. Joining your last Campaign after only starting my blog 5 days earlier was a wee bit overwhelming last time! Can't wait. Thanks so much for organizing it again :)
Missed the last one, not going to miss the boat this time!
yes I'm joining because I had so much fun the last time
I'm in again. :) This is a great way to network with other writers, and it's fun!
I'm so in. :)
Hello all! I will be partaking this year! :)
So happy I found out about this on time.Count me in!
I just filled out the form. The requisite blog post I wrote about it has got to be the shortest post by far I've ever written! I'm sure I'll be in a small minority again for writing historical fiction, but it's a great opportunity to network and learn about contests and bloghops.
I'm in for the Fourth Campaign. :)
I got a lot of new followers from this last year! It's a great experience and I had a lot of fun! :)
Can't wait!
Yay! I'm looking forward to it. :)
I'm in again. Thanks for sponsoring the campaigns!
Looking forward to this! I'm a newbie but this sounds like so much fun!
I'm so excited!! I'm totally in :)
I had a blast last time! I'm totally in, and looking forward to meeting some more awesome people. ;-)
This sounds awesome! I'm in!
I thought the last challenge was great, so I'm signing up again. :)
I'm so excited! Nice to see you all again, and looking forward to meeting some new friends! :)
How exciting. I can't wait to read all of these great blogs!
Yay! I'm soo excited! :)
I'm in, too... even though I have NOOOOO idea what the campaign is/will do for me or what I can offer for the campaign...
I'm looking forward to it. This will be my first campaign. Can't wait to meet the rest of the campaigners!
I'm going to try again this year. I didn't do so great with it last year -- maybe this year with the good one ☺
Great idea!! Can't wait to meet everyone!
Really loved meeting all kinds of people during last year's winter campaign. Can't wait for this one.
Thank you, Rachael! What a great idea. I'm glad to be on board.
I'm totally in! Loved it last time I participated!
I'm in!
Great idea. Thanks for doing this!
Really enjoyed the Campaign last fall and looking forward to this one. Although I'm going to join a less insane number of groups this time. :-)
This will be my first, but I am excited to give it a go!
Signed up, again! <3
I'm a newbie, and looking forward to experiencing my first campaign.
I think this is the second campaign I will have joined. Last time, it really brought my blog to a wider audience and introduced me to some terrific bloggers.
I've been looking forward to this one for a long time!
Signing up right now :-)
I will be joining you again! This is going to be awesome!
I'm so excited to join this. It's my first time around. :)
I can't believe it is that time of year again already. Yay for the campaign!
I just posted my blog post for this. Off to tweet about it.
Of course I'll take part again. Just signed up. Blogged and tweeted about it. See you for the first challenge!
And this would be me being a joiner.
Looking forward to this again! =) Glad it's a mini this time. It'll be more manageable!
Very cool idea.. found it via a couple of other blogs I follow, figured if they both do it, I've gotta get in here. :)
106 comments! That's amazing:) I'm new to the campaign and I'm really looking forward to participating.
I'm joining in again!
I'm interested.
Yeah! Can't wait. This was such a blast last time. Count me in!
Thanks, Rachael! This was so fun last time, I'm excited to join in again! :)
Okay, I think I'm all signed up. Group 18. Woohoo!
Yay! I love being a part of this...can't wait to meet some new bloggers! :)
I'm here! I'm so glad you decided to run a mini-Campaign. I love these. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
*hugs back* I've just posted about the campaign; will spread the word again on my next break. :)
Great idea. I'm definitely joining. Thanks @scottbury for the RT that alerted me.
Oh goody! I missed this the first time around. Can't wait to get started on this one!!
I'm in! Can't wait to start connecting! (think I'll be joining more than one group since the sci-fi group is so small.) I'm going to have to be careful not to bite off more than I can chew with this campaign. lol
I missed the last one and I want in on this one!
Can't wait!! Count me in! :)
What a great idea! Looking forward to being involved!
Super sweet! Hope I can help and glad to get in before the deadline this time around.
Looking forward to it!
So excited!
Looking forward to the challenge.
woohoo! I can't believe it's already back.
I am new to this, but I have been waiting for it since last year. I am totally on board. I am not sure what all I have to do, but I will figure it out. I will post about it on Thursday-I am already committed to a blogfest post for Wed. I am super excited.
Hi there! I'd love to join, a friend of mine has been talking about this campaign and has me really excited! One quick question, is it possible to follow your blog without using facebook?
Hi guys, welcome to you all! It's so wonderful to see so many fabulous people coming on board!!! We've got 139 Campaigners so far, and more to come, yay! Stay tuned on Monday for my Beta Match, to help you find critique partners and beta readers, and my first Campaigner Challenge on Feb 20th. I can't wait. And don't forget to put your name down in groups on my List of Campaigners, and to start making the rounds to meet your fellow Campaigners :)
@Elise, of course. Just click on my "followers" badge on the right side of my blog, where it says "To Infinity and Beyond" :)
Thanks Rachael,I'm all signed up thanks to Tia and her post on her blog Depression Cookies!
I'm in!
I'm in again too. Also, I'll soon contact you about the final donation for the charity eBook/book.
Looks like I will be taking the plunge and joining in. Thanks for hosting this!
Shall take the plunge again!
A to Z Challenge April 2012
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
I participated in the second one and it was a lot of fun. I can't wait for this one to start.
Hey I'm a new follower and excited to participate:)
I'm new to the campaign and can't wait to participate!
Awesome! Just heard about this from a friend of mine. Signing up right now :)
Fabulous idea! I'm a new follower and would love to take part! :)
A little nervous but looking forward to joining the campaign! Now I'm off to sign up :D
I'm in!
I'm the worst at networking and promoting, so hopefully, this'll be good for me. I'll post later this week!
I'll give it a try.
Hi! Glad you decided to run one in Feb/March. Happy to be on board!
Wow, this sounds great. Thanks for hosting!
Awesome! I had a kick with it the last time, I looking forward to this round, too!
Rach, this campaign is made of win. I'm in the process of signing up right now. Thanks to you and your team of volunteers!
Looking forward to doing this one again, Rach! :)
Looking forward to getting on board!
This sounds awesome! Thanks for hosting. I hope I can keep up with everything and that this will make me a better blogger... :)
I've never done something like this before, but it sounds fun, so I signed up! Hope I can keep up!
*Sniff, sniff* I'll have to skip out on this one. :( On Feb. 20th, the first challenge, I'll be on the operating table having spine surgery. No worries, I have one of the best neuro surgeons on board! I will definitely miss everyone and hope it's a blast!
For anyone contemplating joining in, go for it!!! You won't be disappointed!
You rock, Rach!
Sign me up! :)
I'm in!!! trying to join the site, but I think you've got too much traffic!
I like this mini-campaign idea! I'm in :)
I joined during the last campaign and it was awesome. Made so many new friends. Thanks so much Rachael!
Hi, I'm joining the campaign. It sounds great.
Looking foward to joining the campaign and meeting new people!
Claire L. Fishback
I've heard great things about this campaign and look forward to participating this year.
I'm in! Sounds like a fabulous idea!
And back in! Thanks for organizing again!
I've never done this before...I'm in! =)
I'm excited! Been meaning to do this all the previous times, and keep missing it. Posting on my blog this weekend!
I'm a little late out of the starting blocks, but here I am.
I've been looking forward to joining again this time around. I'm in!
This will be my second time on the campaign trail! Woo-Hoo!
This is my first time joining the campaign. I'm excited to be here!
Awesome! Thanks for organizing this.
I'm excited to be joining, even though I feel a little tardy to the party! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!
I'm on board!
Just signed up! :) x
Yay I'm so excited to do this again!! I just talked about it in my video post :)
This is such a great idea! I'm in!
I'm in! Yay!
So excited to join in this time around!
Awesome! I've been waiting for this :) I'm in.
Hi! I'm new and very excited to join this community! :-)
I enjoyed this last time. looking forward to it again.
Better late than never -- I'm jumping in!
I am very excited to be joining in on the 4th Campaign! This sounds like a lot of fun. :)
Hi Rachael! I'm happily participating again.
Hi! Nice to meet y'all. Will be joining you guys in this campaign! I'm a newbie, so guide me!
I'm very happy that there's a new Campaign!
I'm going to try. My blog's mixed: Alaska weather, reviews, quotes, a bit of background for my SF novels, science and health posts (I'm a retired scientist) and six sentence Sunday.
I'm in!!!
Excellent idea, nervously participating :-)
I'll try!! It sounds exciting and like a great way to get to know other bloggers!!
I'll try!! It sounds exciting and like a great way to get to know other bloggers!!
I've never done this before, but I'm excited to be a part of it!
Great!!! I love "meeting" new bloggers!
I'm excited to be a part of this!
~Sarah F.
Sounds exciting - woot! I'm in ;)
I'm in (for the first time), exciting!
Signed up!
I'm All In!!! Can't wait to get to know everyone!!
Mythic Scribes is on board for this campaign!
Woo! Count me in! :)
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I posted about this on my blog, http://fictiontoolbox.blogspot.com/2012/02/4th-writers-campaign-challenge.html
I am new so I am still trying to figure it all out. I have a blogfest-prize give away on my blog now through the end of this month with some great prizes including a kindle fire, 2 hour plot consult with Martha Alderson & more. Is this something you would include in your announcements?
Melissa Sugar
Okay, okay...I'm coming :)
I have no idea what doing this actually entails. Count me in!
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