I write stuff for kids...and muse on writing, children's books, and the publishing industry in general

Monday, February 6, 2012

Campaigner Notice-Board Form - Fourth Writers' Platform-Building Campaign

This form is for use by Campaigners who wish to announce blogfests, book launches, things you'd like to share with your other Campaigners, etc etc during the Fourth Campaign. The Notice-Boards will be posted each Friday during the Campaign, so please fill out the form by 11.59pm EST on Thursday evening if you want your information to be included. If you wish to make the same announcement multiple times, you'll need to fill out this form each time.


Jarm Del Boccio said...

I hope I entered all my info correctly...looking forward to moving ahead with my platform-building skills. Thanks Rach, for all you do to make this possible!

Theresa Small Sneed said...

I'm really excited to learn all about this campaign! Can't wait to meet everyone!!

aisyahputrisetiawan said...

Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

Efek Samping Dari Vaksinasi Kanker Rahim
Gaya Bercinta Yang Banyak Di Gemari Pasangan
Cara Membuat Wasir Agar Tidak Kambuh Lagi
Meredakan Migrain Dengan Bercinta
Rahasia Kulit Bersih Sehat Sepanjang Hari
Obat Penyakit Kebas Alami
Vitamin Penambah Nafsu Makan Anak Dan Dewasa
Obat Kolesterol Paling Ampuh Dan Mujarab
Solusi Yang Tepat Dalam Menghilangkan Keputihan
Solusi Untuk Menghilangkan Diabetes Melitus

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