A reminder too, if you're looking for critique partners and/or beta readers, don’t forget to sign up for my Beta-Match. We've had some great partnerships formed already *grins*.
And, of course, check out these great blogfests, contests, and other announcements:
- From K.T. Hanna at K.T. Hanna – The Scribble Muse: March 2012 is a #writemotivation Goal-Check Month! The point of a #writemotivation Goal-Check Months is not about competition or getting first or second place - the only competition is with yourself and that damned writer’s ego. There will be rewards in the way of critiques, betas, and perhaps technical blog help for those who achieve their personal goals. Check it out here!
- From Gwen Tolios at Fulfilling Dreams: Are You Writing Now? aka AYWN is a group focused on finding writing accountability partners to help us achieve monthly goals. Check out what we’re about here!
- From Jessica Therrien at Jessica Therrien - Imagination to Publication: My debut novel, Oppression (Children of the Gods #1), will be released on February 28th! I'll be hosting a Virtual Launch Party to celebrate. I hope to see you there!
- From Doreen McGettigan at Doreen McGettigan: I am looking for guest bloggers for the month of March while I am on a book tour. If you are interested you can e-mail me at doreenb8@verizon.net. Check my site out here!
- From Jodi Su at 52 Weeks: Jodi Su recently read about using indiegogo for fundraising for writing projects so she launched Flower Children. Jodi Su would like to know if other #writecampaign folks have used indiegogo and asks for tips & advice. Please leave a comment on her blog, 52 weeks, and she will send you a piece of phonetography [sic] art.
- From J.C. Martin at J.C Martin - Fighter Writer: As you know, my Writer Wednesday interview feature first came about as a Crusader Quiz, where I interviewed fellow Campaigners. I would love to go back to that, so if any fellow Campaigners would like to be interviewed for the Writer Wednesday feature, just e-mail me here: jc@jc-martin.com
- From RaeAnn at RaeAnn: A new participant in this year's campaign, has humbly written a poem to show her gratitude to all participants in making her blogging journey an enjoyable one. Special thanks for Rach for hosting this! Visit my Poem here!
- From Lori M Lee at You are the Unicorn of my Dreams: My one-year blogiversary, with 14 prizes to be given away, including gift cards, book orders, and critiques. Check out my blog!
- From Anna Waggener at Anna Waggener’s Blog: My debut YA novel will launch in June from Scholastic Press, but I'm hosting a galley giveaway right now! Check out this Blog Post for more details. I'd love to share my work with you!
- From Danika Dinsmore at The Accidental Novelist: In anticipation of the launch of her second middle grade fantasy THE RUINS OF NOE, Danika will host a fun writing contest on her blog. Rules will be posted Wed. Feb 22 and there will be multiple ways to win copies of one or both of her books.
- From Heather Davis at Minivan Momma: Name that post contest!! If your name gets the most votes, you could win "The Help" prize pack!! Check it out!
- From Shelly Brown at Writing with Shelly and Chad: In celebration of 200 blog posts Writing with Shelly and Chad is inviting YOU to guest post on their blog. Guest posting is a great way to get your name/book/blog out there. Don't worry it can be fun and simple if you’re not feeling terribly profound. The post will be live on Feb 23rd here!

Sorry I didn't sign up this time, but I'll check in on the writing.
Hmm...this is quite a bit smaller than I had expected. The first challenge alone last time had almost 400 entries. With 250 total signups...the first challenge should be a lot easier to manage. I many not need any help at all if that is the case. Let me know when you get the list of judges done and I'll start making the list in google docs. And that way I can organize the groups of ten as soon as they sign up and get emails shipped off. Also, Rach, please remind everyone to post their flash fiction first before filling out the linky.
Thanks Rach!
Thanks Rach! Love ya!
Thanks for the links!!
well thanks for all the info.
Rachel, I'm really sorry! I think I did it again. (It's me, Susan from My Withershins) I linked to my editing page instead of the actual page. I have added another linky which will, I hope, finally get people to my Challenge page. Is it possible to delete the other two 'linky's?
I missed signing up this time, but I'm enjoying the entries.
This sounds like so much fun! Thanks for doing this.
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
Keputihan Tanda Awal Penyakit Kanker Rahim
Tips Menghilangkan Keputihan Dengan Daun Sirih
Tingkatkan Libido Dengan Makanan Ini
Tips Supaya Hamil Mendapatkan Anak Laki Laki
Beberapa Penyakit Yang Sering Menyerang Anak Anak
Obat Wasir Parah Untuk Ibu Hamil Yang Aman
Obat Penghilang Masalah Di Bagian Mulut
Cara Meningkatkan Gairah Bercinta Pria
Tips Untuk Mengatasi Susah Tidur Di Malam Hari
Obat Alami Untuk Menyembuhkan Sesak Nafas
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