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I'm running a Beta Match (and don't let the name fool you, it's for critique partners too!). And it's not limited to Campaigners, so feel free to take part if you want. Here's an awesome post from agent Mary Kole that describes the differences between CPs and beta readers.
If you’re interested in taking part in my Beta Match, there are two options:
OPTION ONE: Put your details and what you’re looking for in the comments below, using the following template:
Name: (your name, pen name, or blogging handle)
Email: (your email address)
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I'm looking for: (a critique partner or beta reader or both. Plus give info about the critiquing style/focus/etc that you want from a CP/beta reader, and whether you have work ready to be looked at now or are looking for a long-term partnership)
Some info about me: (anything you think a potential CP or beta reader will need to know)
OPTION TWO: Read through other comments in this post to see if someone who’ll suit your needs has commented. Then contact them directly.
Please note: Beta Match isn't only for those who have a piece of work ready to be critiqued right now. It's intended to be a way for people to find critique partners who can help them with their writing/revisions/etc over the long-term. Even if you're after a beta reader, you can still connect with someone now and swap work at a later date :)
Wishing you the best of luck finding someone!

Name: Nicole, blogging as Treelight
Email: treelight@web.de
My current WIP: to my shame I have to admit all my projects are WIPs, and there are various genres, too (fantasy, science-fiction, fairy-tale, romance, fanfiction)
I'm looking for: a critique partner or beta reader or anyone who is willing to help me with some advice
English is my second language, and although I feel quite comfortable with it, I might need some help with its correct use.
I often struggle to put some logic into my stories and in making them interesting.
It would be great to have someone look over my stories, to get some indication of what works and what needs to be improved.
Some info about me: As I mentioned, I chose to write in English most of the time, but I'm from Germany. I'm a rather slow writer, because I often don't know where to go with my stories. I write for fun, not for profit, but I dream of finishing at least one novel one fine day. Criticism is welcome, but please understand that I might want to stick to my opinion, too.
Great idea, Rachael! Good on ya. I'm not looking for anyone at the moment, but I wanted to show some support. (And I'll bookmark this in case I end up needing a Beta in the near future!)
By the way, I think you meant to link to Mary Kole's blog, but I couldn't find a link.
Good luck, everybody!
Great idea! Thank you for this!
Name: Vicki Orians – http://vickiorians.blogspot.com
Email: Victoria.Orians@gmail.com
My current WIP: The Awakening – It is the first in a planned YA Paranormal Romance trilogy.
I'm looking for: A critique partner, beta reader, or both! I would be grateful for a partner who would do both! I would hope it would turn into a long-term partnership where they could be my go-to person as I continue to work on my WiP and hold me accountable to deadlines, etc. and give me honest feedback about what I can improve upon to make my story more exciting. This person would definitely need to enjoy reading YA novels, including paranormal and fantasy.
Some info about me: Grammar/proofreading/copyediting is a great strength of mine, and I am a plot-first writer. Therefore I might do best with a character-first writer to balance out where I need the most improvement; however, I am open to any and all writers! :)
Name: Brooke R. Busse
Email: brookerbusse@yahoo.com
My current WIP: The one I'm currently working on is a NA (New Adult) very-light sci-fi (I think). Currently working on editing/revising. For synopsis go to: http://brookerbusse.blogspot.com/p/wips.html under THINKING OF YOU.
I'm looking for: a long-term critique partner who is both honest and professional.
Some info about me: A girl who spends half her time writing YA novels, free verse poetry, or short stories that could keep you up at night and the other half trying to convince her best friend that evil bubbles are not going to take over the world.
Great to hear from you guys! Thanks so much Ishta. I've added in the link :)
I could always use more beta readers and CPs, actually ;)
Name: Trisha W.F.
Email: tay.sedai@gmail.com
My current WIP: I have many, and across many genres: sci-fi, apocalyptic, fantasy, paranormal, contemp romance and even a sci-fantasy crossover. I write mostly adult fiction but do have a New Adult work, and some YA too. I also have one novel I haven't yet successful classified, as it's about a mouse detective but in a sort of adult tone...
I'm looking for: I'm looking for both CPs and beta readers. What I look for is honesty about what does and doesn't work, whether a person loves or hates my characters, and so on. Not mean feedback, but honest feedback, is welcome. Also nitpicking is fine, i.e. "you use this word way too much". As for whether I have work ready, I do have many complete novels and short stories, but I also have WIPs not yet finished. Long-term partnership would be great, but I know it's not always possible.
Some info about me: English is my first (and only) language and I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi. Typos make me twitch, even if I do make them myself (occasionally). I also write music (and LOVE music, explaining why my contemp romance is about rock stars), and do fine art. I love cats. Errr, I think that's it? :)
And I just saw a typo I made in the above comment! hehe
Name: Laura W.
email: cuteblondandcrazy[at]gmail[dot]com
My current WIP: Young adult urban fantasy, definitely on the gritty side, set in Baltimore. It involves sirens, wizards & witches, creative curses (and curse words), an antique shop, a Maine Coon cat, and a female protag with daddy issues.
I'm looking for: I'm about halfway through, so while I do have work ready to be looked at now, I'm looking for someone who will stay with me through the entire project and possibly beyond. :) A beta reader and/or critique partner would be great, or someone who's willing to do both. I value brutal honesty.
About me: My personal pet peeve is people saying that dark content is inappropriate for YA. I am 19 and a lot -- if not most -- of this wip is based on experiences I or friends have had. Writing-wise, I used to do paid freelance work and am currently poetry editor for a nationwide college lit magazine. I get quite nitpicky and will push things to be polished. Also, while plot is fun, it's the characters that really make the story for me!
Kaylie Austen
YA sci-fi, mainly on Earth. Or, a contemporary multi-cultural YA.
I'd like both critique partners and beta-readers to look for writing style, repetition, plot holes, inconsistencies, etc. for a long term relationship.
This is a great idea, Rach, and I feel like I'm putting up a personal ad.
Really awesome idea; I've been thinking I need someone to read my stuff, but I don't want to give it to friends/family...
Name: sophie
Email: sophie_reid3@hotmail.com
My current WIP: I actually have three things I'm working on at the minute (editing that is...tonnes of other ideas in the pipeline) - two of them are YA, all contemporary, sort of romance, and a children's novel, which is more fantasy based.
I'm looking for: a critique partner or beta reader or both. I really would like someone who will read my stuff and basically tell me if it's good or rubbish, and why, and point out stuff to me and plot holes etc, all of that stuff, and a long term relationship as it were... at various stages of drafts, but would definitely be ready to show some stuff...
Some info about me: in my last year at university so a little hectic with uni work, but always time for writing (of course) and am in the UK. Have a few musical and literary obsessions. I don't know what else to say, so I'll leave it there!
I have seen that lots of people need critique help. I 'm a children writer I can help all the children writers who work for age 8-12 or MG novels. If you like I can add you in my critique group. would you like to be there. we all can help anyone of you there in the group.
contact me at
email: swanslake31@yahoo.com
I'm looking for: some picture book critique group or partner for long term who can also help me with grammar too. and other basic aspects of picture book writing.
you can simply email me.
I have a critique group for my ya projects already but I have a couple adult ones on the backburner, the first is a western-romance, the second a time-travel romance. It may be slow-going at first as I'm busy with 2 ya works right now but I would very much like to find someone in the adult field to work with. I read in just about every genre. Any help you can give me would be appreciated. I'm looking for a longterm relationship too.
Name: RaeAnn
Email: raeann28@hotmail.com
WIP: I've a few, and they're all in progress. My problem is, I find it hard to write logically. Prob 'coz I'm always lazy to do research, and bust too. Without beta readers, I feel unmotivated, and procastinate as a result. =(
I'm looking for: Both critique partner and beta reader. Someone who could read and critique as a reader, and also as a writer. Someone who can critique me professionally, while also being able to motivate me too...so that I don't procastinate! Love the idea of long term partnership too.;)
Some info about me: Head towards my blog: http://raeannhasastorytotell.blogspot.com to get an idea...coz it's kinda hard to explain...And when you contact me, I could prob give you a better idea then. Hmmm...I did wrote science fiction(very awful), and fantasy.
Name: Donna Martin
Email: tkd2lady (at) yahoo (dot) com
WIP: I have several. I am a children's writer which includes picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, poetry, essays...whatever interests me and I'm also interested in beginning to write children's non-fiction.
CP or BETA: I'm actually looking for both. I am weak in the grammar area and belong to a couple of critique groups but would love to find someone interested in a long term working partnership to fine tune our stories and get them publishing ready!
Info: I have been writing since I was about 8, took a break from writing for 20 years, and returned to writing last year. I have a blog (ON THE WRITE TRACK) that I have been doing since Dec 2011 and have only been concentrating on writing "professionally" for about a year. I have three main passions in my life...martial arts, writing, and children's literacy.
Name: Savannah Chase
Email: savannah_chase@hotmail.com
My current WIP: I have many, one is contemporary erotic romance about a bounty hunter
I'm looking for: (a critique partner and beta reader
Looking for a long term partnership. I write in many genre not just contemporary but paranormal, sci-fi etc. I'm looking for someone who will support me and not sugar coat things. I want someone who will be supportive and when need be kick me in the butt. Someone who knows their stuff and will not only help me but when and if needed teach me.
I'm currently published with five different publishing houses and I write in many genres.
This is a wonderful idea!
Name: Samantha May
Email: samantha.may93@yahoo.com
Current WIP: It's set in Poland during World War Two and follows the unlikely friendship that develops between a German officer and a Jewish young woman.
I'm looking for both a cp and beta reader. I mostly write historical fiction but I have ideas for YA that I would love to get to some day. I also have several short stories that I have written and would love for someone to read.
Name: Jennifer
Handle: jennbakernyc, Twitter: jbakerhenry
My Current WIPs: Contemporary/Literary Short Fiction Collection & 2 YA novels (LGBT contemporary and sci-fi)
I'm looking for: I have critique partners who are a bit familiar with the work, perhaps too much so, so it'd be great to get someone with a new eye to my projects. Particularly for the Short Fiction collection as I've been working on that a bit longer and often submit that for residencies and conference consideration.
About me: I have an MFA in Creative Writing, am a production editor in academic publishing, have had a few pieces published but tend to hold on to stuff until I feel it's perfect. I tend to be very careful and deliberate in my reviews and provide line editing as well. I've written non-fiction, erotica, YA, and adult literary fiction and read across genres.
Name: Michelle Pickett
Genre: YA Paranormal
I've never used a beta reader or critique partner so I'm not sure which I need/prefer.
I have a WIP nearly ready for review. I'm looking for someone who can honestly tell me where I could improve, without being hateful. :)
I am willing to return the favor of reading and critiquing someone else's work as well.
If you'd like you can find out more about my work, including reading an excerpt of my current WIP call MILAYNA on my website:
Michelle :)
Name: Gwen Tolios
Email: GwenTolios@gmail.com
My current WIP: I've got two short stories I would love to be looked over. One, called 'If you truly love me, be a coward' is an epistle style fantasy set in medieval times. (2.5K). The second is called 'Flicker', a modern paranormal fic about a young girl who can see ghosts and tries to use them to escape loneliness (8K).
I'm looking for: For these, beta readers, but I wouldn't mind a CP for later projects that come into my brain. I'd like someone who can tell me what they like, don't like, what's confusing, and line/logical edits. I give the same information in return.
Some info about me: I'm sporadic in writing, but mainly do short stories. While I mainly write genre (SF/F) I have done literary work. Also, I'm a huge geek.
Name: Selah Janel
email: Selah.Janel@gmail.com
current WIP: I have a couple and more on the back burner. The novella I just finished blends chick lit structure with horror themes and follows a fairy-tale obsessed serial killer in her quest to find true love.
Looking for: beta and critique. I tend to get a little experimental with plots and combining themes, and I'm well aware that sometimes what reads a certain way to me doesn't read that way to someone else. I'd really like someone who can have that kind of a conversation with me and be really specific about changes or weak points. I'm pretty anal about grammar, but my voice sometimes has the bad habit of shifting a little. I'm all for someone long term!
Some info: I'm weird. lol. I do a lot of urban fantasy and horror and I tend to fall onto faerie tale themes at times. I also like playing with form and pov, etc.
Thanks so much for this Rachael.!
Name: Ken Rahmoeller
Handle: ChemistKen
URL: http://hogwartssabbatical.blogspot.com
Email: ken.m.rahmoeller@comcast.net
Genre: Fantasy and Paranormal - MG, YA, and Adult.
I'm looking for: A critique partner, beta reader, or both! I'd be great if this turned into a long-term partnership. I'm looking for someone who doesn't mind being brutally honest most of the time. (How else am I going to learn?) At the same time, I would also enjoy critiquing your WIP in whatever manner you wish. I learn so much when I critique other people's work.
My WIP is fan fiction (see website name), which may not sound very serious, but I'm treating this WIP very seriously. I'll move on to my own worlds after this story is finished, but right now my goal is to beef up my writing and to polish this manuscript until it's in publishable shape.
Some info about me: I'm a chemist (duh!) with two kids who want me to hurry up and finish my story so they can read it. My two cats don't really care. Definitely a plot-first writer.
Sorry for all the white space in my first comment. Don't know what happened.
Patricia Marques @ Swimming in Words
My current WIP:
Current WIP is a YA Urban Fantasy regarding souls and otherworlds (er, sorry, that's a bit vague isn't it?), and I'm still wrestling with my outline but I should actually be due to begin tackling the writing side by the end of this week (finally YAY!).
I'm looking for:
I am looking for a critique partner and looking for a long term partnership. I'd need someone to spot for SPAG as well as pacing, plot holes, character development etc. an all rounder.
Some info about me:
At the moment all my work has been focusing on YA, but I also write adult fiction, again also Urban Fantasy. I have some sci-fi planned. At the moment I have most of my weekends free and I'd be able to get a read and critique turned around in 2 weeks at the most as currently I'm not in a critique partnership. I tend to read mostly for pacing, inconsistencies, character development etc. I would be most comfortable in urban fantasy, paranormal or paranormal romance, sci-fi (and genre's that branch off of those), for both YA and Adult fiction. Oh! Almost forgot to add, I live in the UK, but I'm pretty good at handling time differences and meeting deadlines, if that's a worry. In case of a quick beta read I can probably handle about 50 pages with half a day's notice in a pinch :)
Thank you for hosting this!
All the best to those trying to match up. I know my crit. partners are golden. I wish that for everyone.
Name: Doreen McGettigan
I am looking for beta readers and crit partners for a memoir, a non-fiction for ya and a childrens picture book. [details on my website]
I enjoy reading most genres and would love to beta or critique.
What a great idea. Thank you for doing this.
Name: Jessica Salyer
Email: JessicaLSalyer@gmail.com
WIP: YA Paranormal/sci-fi. About half way done with first draft.
Looking for: A CP who will give me honest and brutal opinions, re: plot, story, and grammer. Also someone to hold me accountable for deadlines. :)
Info about me: This is my first time attempting to write a book, so I know I have a lot to learn. I work full time and have a family, needless to say I'm busy. I would like to find a long term CP and would be happy to critique their WIP in return.
Cool Idea I have contacted someone we will see what happens with it :) Thanks for your support in the writing world!
Name: Carrie-Anne
E-mail: CarrieAnne79@yahoo.com
My current WIP: The third book in a contemporary historical fiction family saga (set from 1979-84), a modern retelling of sorts of Margaret Sidney's Phronsie Pepper. Everyone in Justine's family is so used to seeing and thinking of her as the precious family baby, whom they made so many sacrifices for, that they have a hard time accepting how she's grown up and is embarking on a serious relationship and starting her own household and family.
Everything I write is 20th century historical fiction, though I have some soft sci-fi on hiatus.
I'm looking for a critique partner or beta reader. I like critiquing that's constructive and builds up, instead of ONLY pointing out everything the critiquer doesn't like or takes issue with. I've got a rather old-fashioned writing style and authorial voice, I've discovered, since I've read more old books than current ones, so I want someone who can understand the place I'm coming from (e.g., slower pace, longer books, directly telling establishing information, etc.) instead of insisting only the modern way is correct. I want a critique that focuses on the big picture, not nitpicking things like longer paragraphs or what font I choose to use.
Some info about me: My writing is very much the product of having read so much older literature. To me, it's normal to write a very long book, go at a slower pace, have dialogue that's longer than a few lines at a time, and directly tell the reader establishing information instead of making the reader guess or be left out of crucial information for understanding characters and the storyline.
Name: E.Arroyo or you can find me at Chandara Writes
Email: elizabeth.arroyo5@gmail.com
My current WIP: I'm working on a YA Sci-Fi Dystopian and YA Thriller.
I'm looking for a Critique Partner. Someone who enjoys brainstorming sessions and can stomach drafts in all their gory, I mean, glory.
Some info about me: I tend to look at big picture items--characterization, plot, etc. I enjoy reading YA fantasy, romance, dystopian, paranormal anything that moves me.
What an awesome idea!!
Name: Jess McKendry
Email: violingirl4036@gmail.com
WiP: I've got a "finished" YA dystopian/sci-fi novel and I'm drafting a fantasy/action-adventure right now. My finished book is about a girl who has to pass four, possibly deadly tests to reach the most perfect place in the galaxy, the Crystal City.
I'm looking for a long-term CP! Anyone who can give honest feedback would be great! I can handle harsh critiques!
About Me: I'm fifteen years old and the #1 love of my life is writing! I like reading almost any genre, as long as the book is good!
Name: Weissdorn aka Celeste
email: celeste(dot)weissdorn(at)gmail(dot)com
WIP: I've got a adult contemporary fantasy plot-driven romance set in Europe. It's about 80% complete, but I'm having problems with picking up the pace. I'd like to exchange ideas with other writers.
In exchange I could beta read, critique or offer editing suggestions.
I'd prefer reading historical/ speculative fiction, adult romance, fantasy, MG, adventure, mystery, thrillers, or sci-fi. Sorry, but I'm allergic to any fiction about vampires or werewolves.
Name: T. Z. Wallace
Email: gingerlovinmind@gmail.com
My current WIP: A distopian/sci-fi fantasy. I am trying to make it YA friendly, although not geared specifically to YA. It is the first of a planned trilogy.
I'm looking for: I'm looking for both CPs and beta readers. I want feedback on what does and doesn't work, an eye for any loose plot-points. I, too, agree that nitpicking is fine. I am currently 1/2 way through the first draft. I have some scenes for immediate review, and would like to have someone who can commit to being a beta reader in about three months (when I anticipate I will have the first draft completed and cleaned up).
Some info about me: English is my only language. Typos are a bit of a downfall for me (I always correct them in my head and rarelt see them).
Also, I am a fast reader. I am strict when it comes to grammar usage/mis-usage. And I can edit others work much easier and more thoroughly than I can my own.
Name: Shen
Email: Onyxdaggers@yahoo.co.uk
My current WIP: I have a few but I probably want to go back to my 2011 Nano - my first attempt at epic fantasy. My overall work is usually fantasy. I'm also a horror writer, so there are some very dark themes and scenes in there.
I'm looking for: Probably a beta reader, with possibly progress into a crit partner in the future. Someone to go over the big rough stuff, character development, plot ideas etc. Then maybe into finer detail such as nit-picky grammar at a later date.
Some info about me:
I'm very happy to read in return. Fantasy is more my thing, particularly contemp. fantasy, but I'll read horror, give paranormal romance a go and wrote erotica in the past. Grammar isn't entirely my strongest point but I'll give a good indepth critique to the best of my ability when asked.
There's nothing quite like a fresh pair of eyes to look over your work.
My name is Anna L. Walls and that's the name I use most everywhere.
My email address is AnnaLWalls@gmail.com
Though I would love to shoot most any of my work past a fresh pair of eyes, the WIP I'm interested in most is my nearly finished blog novel. The book is finished; I'm posting a chapter a week so the blog isn't finished. I want to publish it when it is and I'd rather run the whole thing past someone who will give me more than "Ooh I like that".
The link to the blog, if you want to take a look, is: http://TheFortunesOfMagic.blogspot.com
What I would like is all-around feedback. Opinion on content. Spell checker. Grammer checker. Believability opinion. Someone please talk to me who hopefully knows more than I do about writing.
I live in the real wilderness of Alaska so meeting someone personally or even mailing a physical document is impossible.
Name: Ann Cory
Email: anncory_erotica at yahoo dot com
My current WIP: I have many, I write in all genres from sweet to spicy romanc.
I'm looking for: critique partner and beta reader
Looking for a long term partnership. I read and write in many genres, and am looking for someone who is supportive, motivated, and can cheer me on (as I will do the same). Maybe give me a kick in the rear if I'm procrastinating.
I'm currently published with several publishers.
Name & email: Shelly Brown
shellybrownwriter at gmail
Genres: MG fairytale retelling & a YA time travel.
Blog: http://writingwithshellyandchad.blogspot.com
I'm pretty new to the whole thing but I'm trying really hard to catch up.
I think it would be best to find some beta readers (actually the YA needs an alpha reader) and if things work out we can move our relationship up to the next step and become Crit Partners. Interested?
(Why does this feel like an online dating service?)
I think I've found someone!! Going to email them and give it a go. Thanks so much!!
Sher A Hart, my obvious pun name.
sherahart at gmail dot com
WIP: upper middle-grade pun-fantasy about Boy Scouts who travel to the first Earth to save the broken Heartland.
Blurb at www.sherahart.com
short intro at http://sherahart.blogspot.com/2012/02/monstrous-earth-won-intro-2-giveaways.html
I prefer male beta-readers for my boy books, and I really want a few long term critique partners. My writing is too wild for some adults. I am rewriting my previously finished book in 1st person to solve numerous problems, not least being a main character who ends up as two.
I'm a Clinical Lab Scientist so I can help solve science problems. I'm good at spotting plot holes and excellent at correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, etc.
Since I see relationships where others don't, I need help knowing when I've given enough clues, made it clear why my MC does something, etc. Most of all, I need help weeding out the bad puns. If you don't like puns or poetry, you won't like this book. However, keep me in mind for my other YA paranormal.
Name: Michelle Flick - Michelle @ Oh! For the Love of Books
Email: mf060784@gmail.com
My current WIP: It's a paranormal piece. It central component is based on telepathic twins. There are other supernatural aspects - including Ishtar, witchcraft (sort of) vampires (I Know so last season).
I'm looking for: both. Im looking for people to look over and with fine tooth combs. Im looking for long term relationships
Some info about me: I'm as honest as I can be when reading and editing. I teach high school English so I have background in writing and reading.
Name: Esther Jones
Email: estherspurrilljones@gmail.com
My current WIP: I have 2 major ones right now: a vampire story and a high fantasy.
I'm looking for: a beta reader or cp. I tend not to describe my settings/characters so I need someone who can notice that and point it out. I have no issues with spelling/grammar, so you won't have to check that.
Some info about me: my friends call me the spelling/grammar nazi. I can help a cp with spelling and grammar if needed.
Jarm Del Boccio
Genre: fiction and non-fiction picture books: My passion is to make History and Scripture come alive for children.
WIP: "Waiting for an Idea", the story of a fallen leaf, and a Historic Fictional account of the orphans who saved the world during the smallpox epidemic.
I would appreciate the expertise of a beta reader, one to whom I could send in a WIP and get some feedback once in awhile. My weakness is creating an ending for my fictional works, and finding just the right descriptive words in a piece.
Thanks so much for this opportunity, Rach!
What a great idea! :)
Name: Cecilia
email. muoki.cece@gmail.com
My current WIP: YA dark fantasy set in Vienna. My character trades her soul for the four souls of her family after an unfortunate accident which claims their lives. Grim enrols her as his novice collecting souls, and will be tested after two years of novicehood.
A little about me. I enjoy reading romance (contemporary, paranormal, UF, Dystopian) I'm good with characterization and plot. My weakness is typos and grammar.
I am looking for beta readers/CP
Thanks for hosting this, Rachel. :)
Name: Sylvia
Email: sylviavbruggen at gmail dot com
My current WIP: I am working on editing some fantasy and sci fi shorts and a novel that is a mix of both. Also writing a high fantasy book :)
I'm looking for: Beta readers and critique partners for both the novels and the short stories :)
Some info about me: I love to read anything fantasy or science fiction, not so much into vampires anymore, for the rest would love to read paranormals. Also love to ready mystery.
I am good in fishing out the weaker points in a story, and finding plot holes is also something I am good at for others ;)
My strength is not in spelling and grammar, English is my second language. One of my friends is an editor, she fishes those out in my stories :)
Name: Sherri Lackey
Email: sherri.lackey@live.com
My current WIP: Armorian Empires: Lineages and Legacies
I'm looking for: I am looking for a beta reader primarily. I have revised my WIP twice. I had two other people read through it after I revised it the first time. I hate to ask them to read it again. I would like to have someone with fresh eyes look it over. This is the third book in a series and I realize the reader will not have read the first two. Nevertheless, it would be nice to know if the reader could still engage in a story that is a continuation of the previous two. The story is scifi/fantasy. A few key elements run throughout the whole series: 1. Prejudice against other people groups and the struggle to overcome it. 2. Strong family ties are emphasized as important for the success of any society. 3. A new element of faith in God is introduced in this last book. (That said, this is not intended to be a “Christian fiction” novel as is often depicted by popular Christian publishers, authors, bookstores, etc. I simply write scifi/fantasy and my core beliefs tend to come out in my writing at some point or another.)
Some info about me: I am a pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom by day, and a writer by night. No, wait…I do most of my writing by day actually. My sons are in college and my teenage daughter is self-directed in her schoolwork, so I’m in a good place with my writing endeavors right now. I like science fiction and fantasy and all their sub-genres in between. I am an introvert by nature and I am finally feeling secure about it after all these years.
Name: Melissa Maygrove (pen name)
Email: melissamaygrove@gmail.com
Blog: melissamaygrove.blogspot.com
My current WIPs: There are 3:
RS/P (speculative) & its sequel (~105k each) in the polishing phase, and a HR just started.
Best description of my romance writing: 'Sweet with some heat.'
I write of very moral main characters, but my work is not CF. I do incorporate adult themes and infuse some heat, sometimes carrying love scenes to their conclusion. Also, I sometimes include violence and or violent images and injury or medical details. (I'm a nurse in 'real life.')
I'm looking for:
Both critique partners and beta readers, although it may be a while before I have something to sub. I prefer long-term partnerships if we turn out to be compatible, but I wouldn't turn down a one-ms commitment, and I would consider adjusting our goals as we go and grow.
I'm looking for someone strong in plotting, pacing, and industry issues (my weaker areas)- but that is a wish, not a deal-breaker.
My ideal crit partner is someone who can crit without totally re-writing my work. Not that I shun suggestions--I love it when folks throw in words and phrases here and there for my consideration--and I *don't* want to hobble my critters! But I don't like crits that infringe on voice too much. If you feel a large chunk needs revising, I prefer you comment on what's bothering you about it and let me re-write it in my voice.
I love crits that tell me how my writing affects the reader (good or bad). Like: 'Great line. I totally feel her anguish. ... I haven't been commenting because I can't tear myself from the page. LOL' or 'I'm way ahead of you, trim this/condense it ... Cut this/GWS ... I'm feeling the urge to skim.'
Some info about me: I'm relatively new to writing fiction but have been told by more than one published author my writing approaches professional level. My strengths are PUGS (punctuation, usage, grammar & spelling), clarity/visual clarity, and POV and pacing to a certain extent. I tend to focus on line by line issues, although I will beta read if asked.
When considering a new crit partner, I typically do a test swap or two to check compatibility before committing long term, and I swap crit for crit with no money changing hands. Word count/sub size and turn-around time is adjusted for each individual critter and situation by mutual consent.
I hope I haven't come across as too picky. I really am rather easy going. I'm just very plain spoken...might as well be truthful and save us both some time. ; )
If you think we might be compatible, shoot me an email.
I have a suggestion: Maybe you could repost this every few months and that would keep a current list of who is still looking for critique partners.
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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