The Challenge is still open, though the Linky List will close at 11.59pm EDT Friday, so hurry and get your entry in if you haven't yet. You'll be able to "Like" entries for the next week, to give you time to get through some/all of them. If you haven't started going through them yet, think about starting at the bottom of the list, where fewer people have read/commented.
I'll be announcing the winners on Monday, September 19th, so make sure you pop back then :)
And don't forget to come back for the Second Campaigner Challenge on Thursday, 22nd September!!!
Campaigner Notice-Board
Check out these great blogfests, contests, and other announcements:
- From Sangu at Echoes of a Wayward Mind: I'm having a contest to get to 300 followers and would love it if people stopped by and entered! I will be giving away prizes like critiques and Amazon vouchers. Detail here.
- From Nadja Notariani at Nadja Notariani: An Author's Adventures: My first novel, Claiming The Prize, is now available, and for this week, I'm offering a free coupon on my blog page! Stop by here to celebrate with me and grab up a free book!
- From Leah at Leah Writes Pretty Fierce: Campaigners can choose to join up in a fun little tag to stretch their writing muscles a little and get to know each other at Leah Writes Pretty Fierce. Campaigners can participate by filling out the "Don't Be a Stranger" tag, participants are listed up at the blog every Friday. Check out the details here.
- From Clar at clarbojahn: Contest for free signed copy of book give away by commenting on book review post of "Another Bad Dog Book" by Joni Cole. Contest starts September 13th ends September 23rd, winner announced September 24th on my blog. Other contests coming up soon. Stay tuned.
- From Dafeenah at Finding the Hidden Treasure Within: Inviting all those in my groups (memoir, nonfiction, short story1) to do guest post on every Friday during the entire Campaign challenge. Email me if you're interested in doing a guest post on my blog. My email is dafeenah (at) gmail (dot) com or here’s my contact link.
- From K. M. Walton at Some Things I Think: Starting this past Thursday I did a post called “Campaigner Spotlights.” I plan to do one each week of the Campaign. I will spotlight five of my fellow Campaigners from either of the groups I'm in. I put up a photo, a little bit about the blogger and link to their blog - all in an effort to shine the spotlight on some new bloggers.
- From Juliana at Aspire to be: Mid-October I will be hosting the Warm Fuzzies blogfest. For four weeks we'll celebrate being a writer! Check it out here.
- From Ruth Schiffmann at Out on a Limb, Shy Writer Goes Social: In celebration of my daughter launching a brand new book blog, I'm giving away YA & MG books. Check out the details here.
- From Alex J. Cavanaugh at Alex J. Cavanaugh: The Insecure Writer's Support Group - posts the first Wednesday every month. Connect, encourage, and share with other writers! Check it out here.
- From Jess Byam at Jest Kept Secret: Jess Byam runs a feature on her blog called "Before They Were Published" (BTWP), where she interviews unpublished authors. If you are interested in being interviewed, please email her at jestkeptsecret at gmail dot com and let her know. Details here.
- From Alana Garrigues at writercize: In celebration of my 100th writing exercise post, I'm inviting people to invent a fun pizza name and topping for a chance to win a family meal from a local Los Angeles pizza chain (L.A. area residents) or Starbucks giftcard (out of L.A. - U.S. residents). Contest open through Tuesday, Sept. 13. Check it out here.
- From Theresa Milstein at Substitute Teacher's Saga: I'm hosting a contest, where you can win 1 of 4 books. 2 books are signed! Details here.
- From Cristina Dos Santos at Once Upon a Time...: To celebrate my 100th post and all the amazing writers I'm meeting through the Campaign, I'm doing a giveaway, writerly style. Enter here to win a copy of "Plot and Structure" by James Scott Bell.
- From Melodie at rewrighter: This Friday-Saturday, I'm hosting a Twitter pitch/two-line pitch event with debut YA author Jolene Perry. Leave your pitch in the comments for others to marvel at/critique and by doing so, enter the drawing for a critique by Jolene. Check it out here.
Happy Campaigning!!! :)

Thanks Rach. It's been a blast so far. Unsurprisingly, there are a lot of very talented people involved with this Campaign, and the Flash Fiction thing has been a great insight into how other writers of all stripes put their words together.
I've enjoyed reading the entries so far. It's been a very enjoyable challenge. Rach, I don't know how you do it! Thank you.
Rach, THANK YOU for putting this together. It's been amazing so far :)
A great first Challenge Rach....so many entries. A Challenge just to get around to them all. What I have read so far has been top class.
the magnitude and quality and positive attitudes have been ASTOUNDING! INCREDIBLE!
thank you so much for organizing and making it smooth!
AND for listing all those events! i wish i had more time!
Marking my calendar!!
Sorry I couldn't do the first challenge but hope to participate in the next one. Thanks for mentioning the support group. The first post was this week and I was just overwhelmed by all the wonderful thoughts shared by other bloggers.
Thanks for this list. You just made the blog-reading portion of my morning longer! :D
This has been amazing & fun, Rachael. Thank you so much for hosting this! I'm loving all the diverse stories and the incredible amount of creativity from the group.
THANKS for all the great linkies here, and all your hard work, Rach! I sent you info for your next week's list about my critique and book giveaway which I posted TODAY on my blog--come by to win something, if you haven't already read the books I'm offering!
Artzicarol Ramblings
OO, I love the Notice Board. I'll have to do something to make an announcement for (I've been noodling some thing anyways). I'm <3ing this campaign so far :)
We still have more than fifteen judges that have not reported results.
What a great idea.
I have already posted my story so it will free-up time to read more Flash Fiction this weekend.
My story, called, "WHY DOES EVERY LETDOWN HAVE TO BE SO THIN?" is on my blog.
This is so much fun already. I've loved reading all the challenge entries! Great job everyone!
I've read quite a few, and they are impressive.
Awesome! I'm glad there's more time to still read/*like* 'cause I'm only up to 152!! I'm determined to read and comment on every last one though it takes me a while 'cause all the word verifications screw with my brain (dyslexia sucks) and tires out my reading-muscles :p
I just posted mine! Great challenge; I had a lot of fun writing my flash fiction piece.
Now I just have to start reading the (many) other entries. :D
Very much looking forward to the next challenge! So far the first one was fantastic - so many great stories - so many talented people here :)
Way to go everyone!
It's been an amazing contest. Some great entries. I've really enjoyed reading them.
Thanks for the heads-up in these fest too.
Goodness! There are so many cool things happening--it's going to take me all weekend to go through all this, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks Rach.
Feel overwhelmed. Will need to take things slowly. But good on everyone!
Every Savage Can Reproduce
I'm not a campaigner but I posted anyway and I've read so many great things. This is marvelous!
Thanks for the challenge and pushing me out of my comfort zone.
Thanks for putting this together! I am meeting so many talented folks!
This Writers' Campaign has been awesome so far! The first challenge helped me recover from a writing slump, and the multitude of entries has been a pleasure to read. Great job with organizing this campaign!
Nothing like a little computer trouble to make listing my post in the last few minutes adrenaline pumping amazing. Thanks again for hosting!
This was so much fun and I cannot wait to start reading the other entries!
Writing Through College
This is all brilliant Rach, thank you!
Hi, Rach,
Woot! What a great turnout. I missed this one because I just got back from vacation and I am playing catch up now.
Michael asked me to judge, so I will be reading the entries this weekend. There are never enough hours in the day.
I hope to be more involved now that I am back. I will definitely be up for the next challenge.
Have a great weekend.
Holy entries, Batman!
Thanks for the links (including mine). I'm going to check them out.
The challenge was great fun!
Sorry I missed the noticeboard for this week tho.
I have a giveaway at my blog, open until Thursday Sept 15, for a copy of Bev Brenna's upcoming book. Anyone can enter.
Thanks Rachael! Loved being a part of the challenge, looking forward to the next. ; )
I've loved being a part of the Challenge and helping to narrow down the finalists. Lots of fun!
Loving this challenge. So many great writings!
My challenge entry was my first ever flash fiction effort, and I LOVE the form. Thanks for broadening my horizons, Rach! This Campaign has already been a tremendous help in many ways!
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