"Who to?" you may ask.
"Ummm, well YOU of course!"
So a big hello to all my new followers (*jumps up and down and waves*), and a big "You guys rock!" to all my peeps who have joined me along the way.
I'm loving sharing my writing journey with you all, and I hope to hear all about your journeys too as we go along!!! :)
Woot! I know, I'm supposed to be writing my Iceland Reports now, but I went out for the evening for a change. I'm slacking off in the blogging world right now ;)
*Goes to snag up another Crusader*
Congrats on hitting sixty followers!
Hi! Congrats on hitting your next milestone!
Thanks guys :)
@Tessa - have fun blogging. I love your Iceland Reports, can't wait to read the next one. Can we have one on ice trolls pretty please. (*listens*) What, you made that up??? (*pouts*) :)
@Misha and @Carolina, thanks so much, lovely hearing from you :)
Hullo. Nice to meet ya :)
Hey @Tara, great to meet you too. Love your avatar pic - very atmospheric!!!
You rock, too, Rachael! It's great sharing this writing journey with you.
Hey Quinn, thanks for stopping by. Loved the post you did on your writing name, it was so cool hearing why you chose it! :)
Yea, Rachael! Shout out back to you! It has been lovely getting to know you!
Hi! I'm a new follower *friendly wave*
I hopped over from Jamie's blog (Writer's Write, Right?) to say hello and congratulate you on your award. :-)
Hey @Megan, you too!
Hi @Shannon, (*waves back*). Thanks so much, great to have you on board :)
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