The book is on sale for $2.99USD, and all proceeds will be donated to "Help Harry Help Others." Help Harry Help Others is a fund-raising organization of eleven year old Harry who recently died of his inoperable brain tumor. When his friend Robert, who had a brain tumor too, became very ill, he set up his charity. So far, he’s raised nearly half a million British Pounds that he has donated to Cancer Research UK, to help them find a cure for brain tumors. This charity and its goals resonates strongly with me, as my father suffered (and still suffers) from a brain tumor and its effects. And the charity is doing such a fantastic job helping so many in a similar position.
We'd love you to purchase a copy (but just so you know, there is no obligation to purchase it even if your story/stories are included).
Purchase details are as follows:
Amazon (US):
Amazon (UK):
Amazon (Germany):
Amazon (France):
Barnes & Nobel: [To be advised on receipt]
I hope you enjoy, and I can't wait to hear what you think seeing your story and those of your fellow Campaigners in print :)
My stories aren't in it but it sounds so cool, and what a great cause!! Congrats to everyone who put theirs up for publishing! :)
Yeah this is teh awesome. You are a mover and shaker Miss Rach.
Aloha Rach,
My gosh, how did you and Cat get this done so FAST... you guys are freakin' amazing!
Both of you, please ask someone to give you a hug from everyone involved in what is such a bittersweet moment.
On one hand, seeing my writing included in this eBook has me as excited as the first time I was published in '03.
On the other hand, it's so sad to hear about the young, courageous lad who recently passed away from a brain tumor.
Hopefully, everyone *will* buy at least one copy, and the money raised will fund a researcher somewhere... the one who makes a major breakthrough...
And, wouldn't that be an awesome legacy for the family of Harry Moseley.
This is so amazing. What a great cause. Fantastic job Cat! Now we can read all our stories over again woot woot! Live on Campaigners, LOL!
This is awesome! Thank you Rache and Cat!
Very cool! I have a scheduled post on Wednesday, but I'll plug the book on Friday.
This is fantastic, Rachel!
Wow, you and Cat must have been working through the night/s to get this done so fast. Thanks so much. I have posted a blog today and put the word around. Fab job. I'm thrilled and hope it makes a ton of money.
Thanks so much for your lovely comments guys! Your support is truly appreciated :)
I'm on it, this is beyond awesome!
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Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
Hilangkan Jerawat Dengan Cuci Muka Dengan Madu
Olahraga Fitnes Dapat Menambah Gairah Seks
Ciri Ciri Wanita Mengalami Kemandulan
Obat Syaraf Kejepit Tulang Belakang
Resiko Terkena Penyakit Diabetes
Makanan Yang Dapat Mengatasi Masalah Insomnia
Penyebab Pendarahan Selain Menstrulasi
Atasi Wasir Saat Hamil Dengan Cara Ini
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